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Act 12, HB2422 HD1, 4/22/16

Posted on Apr 22, 2016 in 2016 Acts

Amends liquor license application and operating procedures to allow publicly-traded companies, or entities ultimately solely owned by a publicly-traded company, to provide information for only those officers designated as primary decisionmakers regarding the purchase and sale of liquor and clarifies that the requirement of prior approval from a county liquor commission regarding a change in ownership of at least twenty-five percent of a corporation’s outstanding capital stock applies only to voting stock. Allows the applicant for a liquor license or renewal, or both the transferor and transferee in the case of a liquor license transfer, to present a tax clearance certificate from the Department of Taxation and the Internal Revenue Service evidencing that the applicant, transferor, and transferee do not owe the State or federal government any delinquent taxes, penalties, or interest.

Act 12, HB2422 HD1