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ACT 203, SB2317 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2016

Posted on Jul 7, 2016 in 2016 Acts


Requires the Department of Health to submit annual reports to the Legislature relating to child and maternal deaths and death reviews in the State. Requires, upon written request from the Director of Health, all providers of health care or social services and county and state agencies to disclose child death review information, under certain conditions. Allows the Department of Health to conduct multidisciplinary and multiagency reviews of maternal deaths. Requires, upon written request from the Director of Health, all providers of health care or social services and county and state agencies to, under certain conditions, provide information or other materials relating to the condition and treatment of any person to the Department of Health, or its designee, for studies to reduce maternal morbidity or mortality. Appropriates funds to the Department of Health to conduct child death reviews and implement a program to perform maternal death reviews. (CD1)

ACT 203, SB2317 SD2 HD1 CD1