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ACT 218, SB2915 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/6/2016

Posted on Jul 12, 2016 in 2016 Acts


Updates the Uniform Controlled Substances Act to make it consistent with amendments in federal controlled substances law. Clarifies existing definitions to be consistent with federal controlled substance law; and adds new definitions to allow the use of “delegates” by practitioners and pharmacists to access the electronic prescription accountability system. Clarifies that individuals that conduct reverse distribution with controlled substances must register with the Department of Public Safety and follow appropriate controlled substance statutes and rules. Allows for the posting of updates to Hawaii’s drug schedules on the department’s website. Requires that all practitioners, except veterinarians, and pharmacies register to utilize the electronic prescription accountability system when they obtain a controlled substance registration. Authorizes the Department of Public Safety Narcotics Enforcement Division Administrator to allow access to state, county, or federal regulatory agencies to the database when conducting joint regulatory investigations. Deletes the requirement for a pseudoephedrine permit for transporting over 3 packages of pseudoephedrine. (CD1)

ACT 218, SB2915 SD2 HD1 CD1