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2018 Acts

ACT 140, HB2594 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO THE KAHO‘OLAWE ISLAND RESERVE COMMISSION. Appropriates funds for the Kaho‘olawe Island Reserve Commission to restore, preserve, and determine the appropriate uses of Kaho‘olawe island, and to fund one full-time […]
Read More ACT 140, HB2594 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 139, SB2799 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO THE SUPERVISION OF LICENSED DENTAL HYGIENISTS IN A PUBLIC HEALTH SETTING. Clarifies the scope of practice of licensed dental hygienists in a public health setting.
Read More ACT 139, SB2799 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 138, SB202 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO SERVICE AREA BOARDS. Amends statutory provisions relating to quorum and voting requirements for service area boards on mental health and substance abuse. Designates service area boards on mental health […]
Read More ACT 138, SB202 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 137, SB203 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO STATE COUNCIL ON MENTAL HEALTH. Amends the membership of the State Council on Mental Health, defines quorum for the Council, and specifies number of votes required to constitute valid […]
Read More ACT 137, SB203 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 136, SB2487 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO HEALTH. Amends the definition of “quality assurance committee” to include committees established by long-term care facilities, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, home care agencies, hospices, and authorized state […]
Read More ACT 136, SB2487 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 135, HB2373 HD2 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO THE SHARING OF VITAL STATISTICS RECORDS WITH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PROGRAM EMPLOYEES FOR APPROVED RESEARCH PURPOSES. Authorizes the Department of Health, under specified circumstances, to disclose information in public […]
Read More ACT 135, HB2373 HD2 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 134, HB2369 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO THE POLICY ADVISORY BOARD FOR ELDER AFFAIRS. Decreases the number of members appointed to the Policy Advisory Board of Elder Affairs. Specifies that ex officio members are nonvoting members. […]
Read More ACT 134, HB2369 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 133, HB1802 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO CESSPOOLS. Amends the cesspool upgrade, conversion, or connection income tax credit pilot program by repealing the provision that restricts DOH from certifying more than two residential large capacity cesspools […]
Read More ACT 133, HB1802 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 132, SB2567 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO CESSPOOLS. Establishes a Cesspool Conversion Working Group within the Department of Health to develop a comprehensive plan for the conversion of all statewide cesspools by 2050. Requires the University […]
Read More ACT 132, SB2567 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 131, HB1934 HD1 SD2, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Prohibits the director of health from issuing permits for the construction of sewage wastewater injection wells unless alternative wastewater disposal options are not available, feasible, or practical. 
Read More ACT 131, HB1934 HD1 SD2, 7/5/2018
ACT 130, HB2043 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO WASTEWATER. Authorizes counties to inspect sewer laterals located on private property under certain conditions. Authorizes counties to compel property owners to inspect sewer laterals under certain conditions and to […]
Read More ACT 130, HB2043 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 129, HB2169 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION. Appropriates moneys for youth suicide early intervention, prevention, and education initiatives in Maui county. 
Read More ACT 129, HB2169 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 128, HB2204 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Requires the Department of Human Services to reestablish the Exit and Retention Bonus Program to encourage welfare recipients to transition back into the workforce. Appropriates funds. 
Read More ACT 128, HB2204 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 127, SB2783 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO THE HAWAII PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY. Prohibits smoking in and increases the smoke-free zone around certain areas and buildings in public housing projects, state low-income housing projects, and elder or […]
Read More ACT 127, SB2783 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 126, HB2530 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO CHILD CARE. Repeals language that requires the department of human services to determine the amount of liability insurance coverage required to be obtained and maintained by child care providers. […]
Read More ACT 126, HB2530 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 125, HB1812 HD3 SD2, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO HEALTH. Authorizes a health care surrogate to act as a medicaid authorized representative to assist a patient with a medicaid application and eligibility process and in communications with the […]
Read More ACT 125, HB1812 HD3 SD2, 7/5/2018
ACT 124, SB2909 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO LAW ENFORCEMENT. Requires the Legislative Reference Bureau to conduct a study that examines consolidating the law enforcement activities and responsibilities of various state divisions and agencies under a single, […]
Read More ACT 124, SB2909 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 123, HB2396 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO TAX ADMINISTRATION. Increases the limit on revenues collected by the Special Enforcement Section of the Department of Taxation that are deposited into the Tax Administration Special Fund. Authorizes the […]
Read More ACT 123, HB2396 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 122, SB508 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO TAXATION. Amends the taxes withheld on the amount realized by nonresidents from the disposition of Hawaii real property from 5% to 7.25%. Applies to real estate dispositions that occur […]
Read More ACT 122, SB508 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 121, HB1508 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO ENERGY EFFICIENCY. Creates a revolving line of credit sub-fund within the Hawaii green infrastructure special fund for a state agency to finance cost-effective energy-efficiency measures. 
Read More ACT 121, HB1508 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/5/2018