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2018 Acts

ACT 120, HB2455 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, AND TOURISM FOR THE 2018 GANNENMONO CELEBRATION. Makes an emergency appropriation to the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism for […]
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ACT 119, HB1936 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL COURTS. Provides that the environmental courts shall not have exclusive, original jurisdiction over any proceedings relating to parking violations under certain administrative rules and laws.
Read More ACT 119, HB1936 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 118, HB2219 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Makes eligible for membership on a county arborist advisory committee certified arborists, horticulturists with specialization in trees, and persons who have received a master’s degree in botany.
Read More ACT 118, HB2219 HD1 SD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 117, HB2613 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR HE‘EIA NATIONAL ESTUARINE RESEARCH RESERVE. Appropriates funds for fiscal year 2018-2019 to maintain the initial staff position and operations necessary to develop and manage He‘eia National Estuarine […]
Read More ACT 117, HB2613 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 116, HB2729 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO CANNABIS FOR MEDICAL USE. Establishes standards and criteria for reciprocity for qualifying out-of-state medical cannabis patients and caregivers including limitations, and safeguards. Authorizes extension of written certifications of a […]
Read More ACT 116, HB2729 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 115, SB2346 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALITY. Establishes the Address Confidentiality Program in the Department of the Attorney General to help survivors of domestic abuse, sexual assault, and stalking to relocate and keep the […]
Read More ACT 115, SB2346 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 114, HB2134 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO VIOLATION OF PRIVACY. Amends the offense of violation of privacy in the first degree to prohibit threats or acts to disclose an image or video. Requires that any recording […]
Read More ACT 114, HB2134 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 113, HB2131 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO SEXUAL ASSAULT. Creates a Hawaii Sexual Assault Response and Training Program to address the manner in which sexual assault evidence collection kits are processed and tracked, and to ensure […]
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ACT 112, HB2133 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO POLICE DEPARTMENTS. Specifies that citizen administrative complaints against a police officer that involve allegations of domestic abuse by the police officer against a family or household member shall not […]
Read More ACT 112, HB2133 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 111, SB2340 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO HEALTH INSURANCE. Ensures certain benefits under the federal Affordable Care Act are preserved under Hawaii law, including: extending dependent coverage for adult children up to 26 years of age; […]
Read More ACT 111, SB2340 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 110, HB1489 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO CIVIL RIGHTS. Prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation, in any state educational program or activity, or in any educational […]
Read More ACT 110, HB1489 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 109, SB2990 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO FAMILY LEAVE. Requires the legislative reference bureau to conduct a sunrise analysis of the impacts of and best framework for the establishment of paid family leave. Requires a report […]
Read More ACT 109, SB2990 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 108, SB2351 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO EQUAL PAY. Prohibits prospective employers from requesting or considering a job applicant’s wage or salary history as part of an employment application process or compensation offer. Prohibits enforced wage […]
Read More ACT 108, SB2351 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 107, HB1778 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO WORKERS’ COMPENSATION MEDICAL BENEFITS. Improves access for firefighters to comprehensive medical benefits under the Workers’ Compensation Law upon diagnosis of cancer that is presumed to arise out of and […]
Read More ACT 107, HB1778 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 106, HB1716 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO A YOUTH COMMISSION. Establishes a youth commission within the Office of Youth Services to advise the Governor and Legislature on the effects of legislative policies, needs, assessments, priorities, programs, […]
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ACT 105, SB2790 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
RELATING TO THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE. Replaces the guiding principles for children in foster care under the Child Protective Act with the rights of children in foster care, […]
Read More ACT 105, SB2790 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/5/2018
ACT 104, SB2571 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/3/2018
RELATING TO WATER POLLUTION. Beginning January 1, 2021, bans the sale, offer of sale, or distribution in the State of any sunscreen that contains oxybenzone or octinoxate, or both, without a […]
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ACT 103, HB2299 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/29/2018
RELATING TO INDEMNIFICATION OF COUNTY AGENCIES. Facilitates the process by which the University of Hawaii obtains approval to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless a county agency, its officers, agents, and employees, […]
Read More ACT 103, HB2299 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/29/2018
ACT 102, HB1667 HD1 SD1, 6/29/2018
RELATING TO PROBATION. Makes a housekeeping amendment to clarify that eligibility for probation does not apply to certain drug paraphernalia violations that have been decriminalized.
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ACT 101, SB2745 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/29/2018
RELATING TO CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL INFORMATION. Amends the definition of “confidential personal information” for offenses against property rights to eliminate unconstitutionally vague provisions. Specifies other types of confidential personal information. Clarifies when […]
Read More ACT 101, SB2745 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/29/2018