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2020 Acts

Act 36, HB1978 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO SPECIAL IMMIGRANT JUVENILE STATUS. Specifies that the family court has jurisdiction in proceedings concerning the custody or guardianship of an immigrant child pursuant to a motion for Special […]
Read More Act 36, HB1978 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
Act 35, HB1942 HD2 SD2, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO CHILD ABUSE REPORTING. Adds members of the clergy, commercial computer technicians, and commercial film, and photographic print or image processors to the categories of persons who are required […]
Read More Act 35, HB1942 HD2 SD2, 9/15/2020
Act 34, HB1929 HD2 SD2, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Extends the deadline for the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation to renegotiate an existing, or issue a new, ground lease for the Front Street Apartments […]
Read More Act 34, HB1929 HD2 SD2, 9/15/2020
Act 33, HB1912 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO THE PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL SPACE CENTER FOR EXPLORATION SYSTEMS. Establishes the Pacific international space center for exploration systems within the department of business, economic development, and tourism for administrative […]
Read More Act 33, HB1912 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
Act 32, HB1854 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO LITTLE FIRE ANTS. Authorizes DOA, in conjunction with the Hawaii Ant Lab, to identify best practices for the treatment of little fire ants. Requires DOA to post those […]
Read More Act 32, HB1854 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
Act 31, HB1698 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. Amends bargaining unit (14). Retains state law enforcement officers under bargaining unit (14). Creates a separate bargaining unit (15) for state and county ocean safety and […]
Read More Act 31, HB1698 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
Act 30, HB1676 HD1 SD2, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO HIGHWAY SAFETY. Establishes the Photo Red Light Imaging Detector Systems Program (Program). Establishes a two year pilot program in the City and County of Honolulu. Authorizes the State […]
Read More Act 30, HB1676 HD1 SD2, 9/15/2020
Act 29, HB1673 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO THE STATE ETHICS CODE. Clarifies that the Hawaii State Ethics Commission and each house of the legislature shall adopt rules regarding disclosure of the nature and extent of […]
Read More Act 29, HB1673 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
Act 28, HB1661 HD3 SD2, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO HEALTH. Amends criteria for emergency examination, release from emergency examination, emergency hospitalization, and release from emergency hospitalization for individuals suffering from a behavioral health crisis. (SD2)
Read More Act 28, HB1661 HD3 SD2, 9/15/2020
Act 27, HB1659 HD3 SD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO HEALTH. Authorizes a pharmacy to provide a customized patient medication package to any person upon consent, with a valid prescription, and in compliance with labeling and dispensing requirements. […]
Read More Act 27, HB1659 HD3 SD1, 9/15/2020
Act 26, HB1620 HD2 SD2, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. Amends the effect of finding a defendant charged with a petty misdemeanor not involving violence or attempted violence unfit to proceed. Amends the requirements […]
Read More Act 26, HB1620 HD2 SD2, 9/15/2020
Act 25, HB1352 HD2 SD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET. Transfers moneys from the DNA registry special fund to the medicaid investigations recovery fund. (SD1)
Read More Act 25, HB1352 HD2 SD1, 9/15/2020
Act 24, HB1346 HD2 SD2, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. Prohibits the suspension or expulsion of children participating in the Executive Office on Early Learning’s Public Prekindergarten Program, except under limited circumstances. (SD2)
Read More Act 24, HB1346 HD2 SD2, 9/15/2020
Act 23, SB2629 SD2 HD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Prohibits, after 6/30/2020, the approval of a new or renewed power purchase agreement for electricity generated from coal. Prohibits, after 6/30/2020, the modification of a coal […]
Read More Act 23, SB2629 SD2 HD1, 9/15/2020
Act 22, HB2202 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO CEMETERIES. Clarifies that churches granted an exemption from the state laws governing cemeteries and funeral trusts are exempt from all requirements. Allows the director of commerce and consumer […]
Read More Act 22, HB2202 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
Act 21, HB2590 HD2 SD2, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES. Establishes within DOT an autonomous vehicles testing pilot program. Requires report to the legislature. (SD2)
Read More Act 21, HB2590 HD2 SD2, 9/15/2020
Act 20, HB2425 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO DOMESTIC ABUSE. Amends the definition of “domestic abuse” under Hawaii’s insurance laws and laws relating to domestic abuse protective orders to include coercive control between family or household […]
Read More Act 20, HB2425 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
Act 19, SB2638 SD2 HD3, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Part I: Establishes a petty misdemeanor offense of abuse of family or household members. Clarifies the penalties for violations. Allows a deferred acceptance of guilty plea […]
Read More Act 19, SB2638 SD2 HD3, 9/15/2020
Act 18, HB2060 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO DOMESTIC ABUSE. Provides that family courts may withhold from public inspection any record of a denied temporary restraining order or denied protective order; provided that these records shall […]
Read More Act 18, HB2060 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
Act 17, HB2054 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020
RELATING TO EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. Prohibits an employer from requiring an employee to enter into a nondisclosure agreement pertaining to sexual harassment or sexual assault. Prohibits an employer from retaliating against […]
Read More Act 17, HB2054 HD1 SD1, 9/15/2020