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2021 Acts

For a full report from the Hawai’i State Legislature, click HERE.

ACT 216, SB765 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/07/21
Establishes sentencing guidelines for highly intoxicated drivers. Requires that ignition interlock devices be installed on all vehicles operated by a person upon license revocation. Increases the license revocation period and […]
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ACT 215, SB764 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/07/21
Adds a permanent commercial driver’s license disqualification for a commercial driver’s license or commercial learner’s permit holder who is convicted of a felony involving severe forms of trafficking in persons, […]
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ACT 214, SB615 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/07/21
Requires all moped and motor scooter rental companies to ensure that mopeds and motor scooters are equipped with flags and that riders wear safety helmets, subject to certain circumstances. Amends […]
Read More ACT 214, SB615 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/07/21
ACT 213, SB548 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/07/21
Amends various statutory provisions to clarify and improve the administration of elections by mail. Establishes voters with special needs advisory committees at the state and county levels. Requires the department […]
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ACT 212, SB628 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/07/21
Commences the transfer of the Oahu regional health care system in its entirety from the Hawaii health systems corporation to the department of health. Requires the transfer to be completed […]
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ACT 211, SB157 HD1 CD1, 7/07/21
Authorizes the issuance of a civil license to solemnize marriage and allows solemnization by any individual at least eighteen years of age. (CD1)
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ACT 210, HB1362 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/07/21
Authorizes the department of education to directly accept private funding for the purpose of establishing public prekindergarten programs under certain circumstances. Establishes the Hawaii early childhood educator stipend program to […]
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ACT 209, HB1322 HD1 SD2, 7/07/21
Establishes a trauma-informed care task force within the Department of Health to make recommendations of trauma-informed care in the State. (SD2)
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ACT 208, HB1281 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/07/21
Establishes a three-year transfer of certain duties, functions, and powers relating to emergency medical services for the city and county of Honolulu from the department of health to the city […]
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ACT 207, SB405 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/07/21
Provides that excess contributions by nonresident contributors shall escheat to the Hawaii election campaign fund if not returned to the contributor within thirty days of the end of the election […]
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ACT 206, HB1253 HD3 SD1 CD1, 7/07/21
Prohibits employers, with certain exemptions, from requiring employees and prospective employees to download to their personal communication device, a mobile application that enables the employee’s location to be tracked or […]
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ACT 205, SB402 HD1 CD1, 7/07/21
Provides that expenditures by candidate committees may be made to reimburse other individuals for expenditures advanced by those individuals, in addition to those advanced by the candidate. Deletes candidate reimbursements […]
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ACT 204, SB400 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/07/21
Clarifies that increased fines may apply if a candidate committee or noncandidate committee fails to timely file the preliminary primary or preliminary general report due ten calendar days before a […]
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ACT 203, SB332 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/07/21
Amends the minimum dollar amount of payments required to be preaudited. Allows, rather than requires, the comptroller to preaudit all proposed payments of expenditures under the threshold dollar amount. Sunsets […]
Read More ACT 203, SB332 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/07/21
ACT 202, SB222 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/07/21
Beginning 7/1/2022, requires the comptroller’s annual report to the governor and legislature to include a list of all accounts that were closed by the comptroller during the immediately preceding fiscal […]
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ACT 201, HB1096 HD2 SD1, 7/07/21
Requires the department of health to convene a task force to recommend amendments to the Hawaii Revised Statutes to update existing parentage laws that reflect outdated, cisheteronormative concepts of families, […]
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ACT 200, HB1004 HD1 SD2, 7/07/21
Authorizes the Director of Labor and Industrial Relations to prohibit the operation of pressure retaining items, amusement rides, and elevators and kindred equipment if inspection fees or fines are not […]
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ACT 199, HB991 HD2 SD2, 7/07/21
Authorizes the Department of Health to disclose vital statistics records for public health purposes. Updates eligibility requirements for access to confidential vital statistics records. (SD2)
Read More ACT 199, HB991 HD2 SD2, 7/07/21
ACT 198, HB776 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/07/21
Authorizes the issuance of special purpose revenue bonds for a master planned development proposed by Pueo Development, LLC, on Hawaiian Home Lands. (CD1)
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ACT 197, HB753 HD1 SD2, 7/07/21
Excludes housing developed by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands from school impact fees for 3 years. Allows construction cost component impact fees to be used to improve or renovate […]
Read More ACT 197, HB753 HD1 SD2, 7/07/21