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2021 Acts

For a full report from the Hawai’i State Legislature, click HERE.

ACT 176, HB817 HD2 SD2, 7/07/21
Requires and establishes benchmarks for each state department to ensure that a certain percentage of the produce purchased by that department consists of fresh local agricultural products or local value-added, […]
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ACT 175, HB767 HD2 SD2, 7/07/21
Moves the Hawaii farm to school program from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Education. Establishes a programmatic goal for the Department of Education that at least 30% […]
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ACT 174, HB72 HD2 SD2, 7/02/21
Establishes a framework for the regulation of electric foot scooters by the State and counties. Amends definitions of “moped” to exclude electric foot scooters. Retains personal injury protection benefits for […]
Read More ACT 174, HB72 HD2 SD2, 7/02/21
ACT 173, SB1384 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Provides that the prohibition against serving two consecutive terms not to exceed eight consecutive years shall not apply to the term of the representative of Hawaiian medium early learning providers […]
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ACT 172, SB1225 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
PART I – Allows the chairperson of the independent audit committee (IAC) of the University of Hawaii board of regents to be selected in a manner consistent with its bylaws. […]
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ACT 171, SB1222 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Expands the scope of the conference center revolving fund for the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Authorizes the chancellor of the University of Hawaii at Hilo to expend funds from […]
Read More ACT 171, SB1222 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
ACT 170, SB1220 SD1, 7/02/21
Adds the University of Hawaii to the list of agencies that are authorized to conduct criminal history record checks on current or prospective employees, whose positions or duties are related […]
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ACT 169, SB1139 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Authorizes the department of health to set patient registration fees by administrative rulemaking. Requires the office of medical cannabis control and regulation to convene a task force on the effect […]
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ACT 168, SB873 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Authorizes contested case hearings to be conducted through the use of interactive conference technology. Effective 10/1/2021. (CD1)
Read More ACT 168, SB873 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
ACT 167, SB814 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Requires members of the charter school commission to collectively possess experience and expertise in various fields. Clarifies authorizer compliance requirements in cases of an appeal. (CD1)
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ACT 166, SB813 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Requires authorizers to provide to each charter schools it oversees a list of approved independent auditors. (CD1)
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ACT 165, SB806 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Requires the attorney general, on behalf of the department of education, to institute proceedings to acquire certain land owned by the Mililani Town Association by voluntary action or condemnation. (CD1)
Read More ACT 165, SB806 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
ACT 164, SB538 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Clarifies the meaning of “program or activity receiving state financial assistance”. Excludes cases within the scope of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act from the jurisdiction of the Hawaii civil […]
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ACT 163, SB516 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/02/21
Beginning 7/1/2022, requires the state board for career and technical education to oversee and review annually certain statewide processes, requirements, and rules related to the student attainment of industry-recognized credentials. […]
Read More ACT 163, SB516 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/02/21
ACT 162, SB367 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/02/21
Waives the requirement for section 401 water quality certification for certain small-scale beach restoration projects authorized by the department of land and natural resources. (CD1)
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ACT 161, SB348 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Updates the federal law reference to standards established by the United States Food and Drug Administration regarding product quality standards for bottled water. Repeals the requirement that noncarbonated bottled water […]
Read More ACT 161, SB348 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
ACT 160, SB345 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Bans the import for profit, sale, and offer for sale of any cosmetic in the State if the final product or any component of the final product was developed or […]
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ACT 159, SB244 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Expands liability protection for donors to include donations of food and similar donations made to needy persons by organizations. Authorizes the donation of expired food when the donor reasonably believes […]
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ACT 158, SB242 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/02/21
Requires that public and charter schools offer education in computer science. Requires annual reports. (CD1)
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ACT 157, SB224 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Gives a preference to students who live within the service area of a school or who enrolled in the school the previous school year who apply for participation in a […]
Read More ACT 157, SB224 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21