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2021 Acts

For a full report from the Hawai’i State Legislature, click HERE.

ACT 156, HB1291 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/02/21
Allows applicants to the University of Hawaii who earned a high school diploma from a public high school in the State with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and […]
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ACT 155, HB1283 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Permits the employers of first responder personnel to obtain dementia training for first responder personnel. Permits the executive office on aging to coordinate the dementia training schedules and standards with […]
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ACT 154, HB541 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/02/21
Clarifies that the duties of the working group established by Act 263, Session Laws of Hawaii 2019, within the Department of Health include identifying gaps in services; coordinating funding sources; […]
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ACT 153, HB1149 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/02/21
Reorganizes and integrates the land use commission within a modified office of planning, which is renamed as the office of planning and sustainable development. (CD1)
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ACT 152, HB1318 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Establishes the Environmental Advisory Council. Transfers the rights, powers, employees, appropriations, and other personal property from the Office of Environmental Quality Control to the Office of Planning. Transfers all rules […]
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ACT 151, HB313 HD2 SD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Repeals the requirement that no less than fifty per cent of the physician workforce assessment fees transferred or deposited into the JABSOM special fund be expended for purposes identified by […]
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ACT 150, SB936 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/02/21
Authorizes the department of health to disseminate information on seizure first aid. Authorizes employers to disseminate information on seizure first aid provided by the department of health to their employees […]
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ACT 149, HB1366 HD1, 7/02/21
Amends the class C felony offense of manufacturing, purchasing, or obtaining firearm parts to assemble a firearm having no serial number to also prohibit possession of those firearm parts. Amends […]
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ACT 148, HB31, 7/02/21
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ACT 147, HB490 HD2 SD1, 7/02/21
Lowers the age at which enhanced penalties apply for crimes against seniors from sixty-two years of age to sixty years of age. Makes commission of certain criminal offenses against a […]
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ACT 146, HB1348 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/02/21
Establishes the stadium development special fund. Provides for the abolishment of the stadium special fund. Revises the general development guidance policies for the stadium development district and clarifies the respective […]
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ACT 145, HB1030 HD2 SD1, 7/01/21
Repeals the aquatic life and wildlife advisory committees and makes conforming amendments. (SD1)
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ACT 144, HB1029 SD1, 7/01/21
Repeals sections of Act 15, Special Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, that authorized the establishment of living park planning councils. Authorizes the Department of Land and Natural Resources to oversee […]
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ACT 143, HB1028 SD1, 7/01/21
Repeals section 171-8.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, establishing the Koke‘e State Park Advisory Council. (SD1)
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ACT 142, HB1021 HD1 SD2, 7/01/21
Authorizes the Department of Land and Natural Resources to enter into the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact or similar agreement for mutual assistance in the enforcement of wildlife laws. (SD2)
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ACT 141, HB1102 HD1 SD2, 7/01/21
Prohibits the intentional release of balloons inflated with a gas that is lighter than air. Effective 1/1/2023. (SD2)
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ACT 140, HB1311 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/01/21
Removes the construction completion deadline for the Leialii affordable housing project. Specifies that the developer of the Keawe street apartments affordable housing project shall only be responsible for all associated […]
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ACT 139, HB469 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/01/21
Establishes a working group to: (1) Ascertain the process and status of the transfer of non-agricultural park lands from the department of land and natural resources to the department of […]
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ACT 138, SB855 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/01/21
Extends the sunset date for the coffee berry borer pesticide subsidy program to 6/30/2023 and the program manager position, including the position’s civil service and collective bargaining laws exemption, to […]
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ACT 137, HB237 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/01/21
Appropriates $350,000 for fiscal year 2021-2022 to the department of agriculture for the mitigation and control of the two-lined spittlebug and recovery of the rangelands damaged by the invasive pest. […]
Read More ACT 137, HB237 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/01/21