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2021 Acts

For a full report from the Hawai’i State Legislature, click HERE.

ACT 136, SB336 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/01/21
Amends the maximum amount that the Chairperson of the Board of Agriculture is authorized to approve for agricultural loans and aquacultural loans not to exceed $50,000 of state funds, rather […]
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ACT 135, SB934 HD1 CD1, 7/01/21
Exempts hydrogen fuels from petroleum product measurement requirements. (CD1)
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ACT 134, SB651 SD1 HD1, 7/01/21
Renames Kahului Airport Access Road on Maui as the Mayor Elmer F. Cravalho Way. (HD1)
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ACT 133, HB766 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/01/21
Appropriates funds for the photo red light imaging detector systems pilot program. Effective retroactively on 6/30/21. (CD1)
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ACT 132, HB264 HD1 SD3 CD1, 7/01/21
Extends to 9/1/2023 the insurance requirements for transportation network companies and transportation network company drivers established pursuant to Act 236, Session Laws of Hawaii 2016. (CD1)
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ACT 131, SB1402 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/01/21
Requires the department of transportation to create motor vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian highway and pathway networks. Creates annual reporting requirements. (CD1)
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ACT 130, SB1291 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/01/21
Includes autocycles equipped with handlebars in the definition of motorcycle in the Hawaii Safety Act. Exempts motorcycles and motor scooters with a roll bar or roll cage from the safety […]
Read More ACT 130, SB1291 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/01/21
ACT 129, SB57 SD2 HD3 CD1, 7/01/21
Codifies certain certification, renewal, and violation processes of vehicle inspectors who conduct vehicle safety inspections under the department of transportation. Makes inoperable the requirement for reconstructed vehicles to obtain a […]
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ACT 128, HB601 HD2 SD1, 7/01/21
Amends the statewide traffic code to allow for the county chiefs of police to designate county employees to issue citations for traffic violations. (SD1)
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ACT 127, HB185 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/01/21
Appropriates funds for the Judiciary for the fiscal biennium beginning 7/1/2021 and ending 6/30/2023. Effective 7/1/2021. (CD1)
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ACT 126, SB159 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/29/21
Makes an application for voter registration part of all state identification card and driver’s license applications. Requires qualified applicants to choose to be registered to vote. Requires updating of names […]
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ACT 125, HB1081 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/29/21
Requires the department of transportation and each county’s transportation department to maintain a priority list of sidewalk installation and pedestrian improvement projects and to publish the priority list on their […]
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ACT 124, SB151 HD1 CD1, 6/29/21
Replaces the term “accident” with “collision” for purposes of certain provisions of the statewide traffic code. (CD1)
Read More ACT 124, SB151 HD1 CD1, 6/29/21
ACT 123, HB1062 HD2 SD2, 6/29/21
Clarifies the validity period for a commercial learner’s permit. Adds a requirement for certain commercial driver’s license applicants to complete an entry-level driver training course before taking other required tests […]
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ACT 122, SB1212 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/29/21
Requires resolution of an outstanding federal out-of-service order prior to registration renewals and initial registrations of motor carrier vehicles. Defines “out-of-service order”. (CD1)
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ACT 121, SB1421 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/29/21
Creates a dual use technology task force within the department of business, economic development, and tourism to explore how dual use technology can be used to promote economic recovery and […]
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ACT 120, SB1412 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/29/21
Authorizes the issuance of special purpose revenue bonds to assist HK Management LLC, in planning, designing, constructing, reconstructing, renovating, acquiring, equipping, and improving surf industry center facilities. (CD1)
Read More ACT 120, SB1412 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/29/21
ACT 119, SB1340 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/29/21
Authorizes the Hawaii medical board to license emergency ambulance service personnel. Creates an additional licensure category for emergency medical technicians 1 who are certified at a higher practice level than […]
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ACT 118, SB1204 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/29/21
Replaces the four district tax boards of review with a single statewide taxation board of review appointed by the governor, consisting of ten members with three required for quorum. Authorizes […]
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ACT 117, SB1203 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/29/21
Amends title 14, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to make nonsubstantive changes for clarity and to delete obsolete provisions. (CD1)
Read More ACT 117, SB1203 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/29/21