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2021 Acts

For a full report from the Hawai’i State Legislature, click HERE.

ACT 076, HB149 HD1 SD1, 6/24/21
Clarifies that cards issued by a county for the purposes of paying transit fares and county fees and other uses are not subject to the State’s unfair and deceptive practices […]
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ACT 075, HB1142 HD2 SD2 CD1, 6/24/21
Allocates three cents of the barrel tax to fund the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging systems. Establishes a subaccount in the public utilities commission special fund for the EV […]
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ACT 074, HB552 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/24/21
art I: Establishes clean ground transportation goals for state agencies to achieve a one hundred per cent light-duty motor vehicles zero-emission fleet by December 31, 2035. Part II: Authorizes the […]
Read More ACT 074, HB552 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/24/21
ACT 073, HB424 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/24/21
Requires all agencies of the State, when renting a vehicle on behalf of a state employee conducting official government business, to adopt a preference for renting electric vehicles or hybrid […]
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ACT 072, HB941 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/24/21
Allows the public utilities commission to use electronic filing processes and similar practices. Requires the public utilities commission to conform its electronic forms and electronic filing processes to comply with […]
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ACT 071, HB930 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/24/21
Exempts the employees’ retirement system from disclosing under chapter 92F, Hawaii Revised Statutes, certain types of alternative investment fund information. (CD1)
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ACT 070, HB929 HD1 SD1, 6/24/21
Clarifies benefits to alternate payees, advisory review determinations of Hawaii domestic relations orders and the priority of multiple orders. Applies to domestic relations orders submitted on or after its effective […]
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ACT 069, SB828 HD1 CD1, 6/24/21
Grants exclusive original jurisdiction in matters of divorce to the family court of the circuit in which an applicant is domiciled at the time the application is filed. Repeals the […]
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ACT 068, HB887 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/24/21
Creates a separate offense for those who provide anything of value to engage in sexual conduct with another. Specifies that the offense of sex trafficking may be prosecuted at any […]
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ACT 067, SB834 SD1 HD2 CD1, 6/24/21
Establishes the offense of importation, sale, or possession of one or more childlike sex dolls. (CD1)
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ACT 066, HB136 HD1 SD1, 6/23/21
Applies liquor licensing provisions related to the transfer of licenses and the denial of licenses to limited liability companies. Effective 1/5/2022. (SD1)
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ACT 065, HB78 HD1 SD1, 6/23/21
Eliminates the requirement for a public utility to seek approval from the public utilities commission for the underground construction of high-voltage electric transmission lines if certain conditions are met. (SD1)
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ACT 064, HB77 HD1 SD1
Exempts the sale of the leased fee interest in certain affordable leasehold developments by the HHFDC from legislative approval. (SD1)
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ACT 063, HB73 HD2 SD1 CD1, 6/23/21
Requires the department of human resources development to review the classification and compensation schedules for telephone and emergency dispatchers and similar employees and to submit a report to the legislature […]
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ACT 062, SB664 SD1 HD2 CD1
Appropriates funds for the Hawaii correctional system oversight commission. (CD1)
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ACT 061, SB386 SD1 HD2 CD1, 6/23/21
Requires a family court to make findings, after a hearing and in writing, before a minor can be transferred to an adult jail or lockup or be permitted sight or […]
Read More ACT 061, SB386 SD1 HD2 CD1, 6/23/21
ACT 060, SB412 HD1 CD1, 6/23/21
Clarifies implied consent law to make an exception for giving a breath, blood, or urine test pursuant to a search warrant or any other basis permissible under the Constitution of […]
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ACT 059, SB309 SD1 HD2 CD1, 6/23/21
Adds the intentional creation, disclosure, or threat of disclosure of certain types of deep fake images or videos to the offense of violation of privacy in the first degree, subject […]
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ACT 058, HB345 HD2 SD2, 6/23/21
Mandates appointment of a guardian ad litem to represent the best interests of a mentally ill individual in assisted community treatment proceedings. Eliminates the requirement for the office of the […]
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ACT 057, HB1376 HD2 SD2 CD1, 6/16/21
Extends the required period for a notice of termination of the rental agreement from five days to fifteen days. Requires landlords to provide notice with specified terms and enter into […]
Read More ACT 057, HB1376 HD2 SD2 CD1, 6/16/21