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Respiratory therapy includes pulmonary function tests that are used to diagnose lung diseases, in addition to delivering respiratory care to all groups of patients–ranging from newborns with under-developed lungs to ...
Read More Respiratory Care Week (October 23-29, 2022)

Credit unions are not-for-profit financial cooperatives, democratically owned and operated and founded by people working together toward economic advancement.  

Fresh water is Hawai‘i’s lifeblood and most precious natural resource, and the unique traditional Hawaiian perspective recognizes and honors water and its various forms as the kinolau of Kāne.  

Chambers of commerce strive to address pressing community challenges and foster new opportunities through bold leadership and innovative problem-solving.  

Our communities are best served with quality afterschool programs, which provide safe and engaging learning experiences that help children realize their full potential.

White Cane Day educates the world about blindness and how the blind and visually impaired can live and work independently while giving back to their communities.  

The 2022 Fire Prevention Week theme, “Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape,” effectively serves to remind people that it is important to have a home fire escape plan.  

National Metric Week draws attention to the educational and economic benefits of using the metric system.  

Over the next decade, manufacturers will need to fill 4.6 million jobs across the country.

Reliable, affordable energy is vital to our economic prosperity and energy efficiency is one of the most productive and cost-effective ways to meet our energy needs.