DLNR NEWS UPDATE: Waikiki Flotilla kept safe by presence of law enforcement and ocean safety personnel, July 4, 2017
Posted on Jul 5, 2017 in Latest Department NewsThe annual Independence Day “flotilla” off Waikiki has been largely safe and incident-free as of mid-afternoon today. One woman was brought to shore unconscious and 7-8 other people have been assisted to shore. 14 officers from the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE), utilizing a boat and seven jet skis, are joined by lifeguards from City and County of Honolulu Ocean Safety and a pair of U.S. Coast Guard patrol boats, to ensure the safety of several hundred people in motorized boats and on a huge variety of blow-up water toys. DOCARE officers are reminding ocean users of applicable boating rules, monitoring for under-aged alcohol use, and along with county and federal partners are educating revelers on how to remain safe in relatively shallow water, about 1/2 mile off Waikiki Beach. With brisk off-shore winds blowing officers are asking people to move closer to shore and to moderate their alcohol consumption.
(All images and video courtesy: DLNR)
HD Video and DOCARE Chief Robert Farrell SOTS: