DLNR NEWS RELEASE: Kihei Boat Ramp paving and drainage improvements project expected to begin July 31
Posted on Jul 28, 2017 in Latest Department NewsKIHEI, MAUI — A construction project to pave and make drainage improvements to the Kihei Boat Launch Ramp will begin on Monday July 31, 2017. The Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR) will be resurfacing asphalt pavement from the boat ramp access at S. Kihei Road and around the trailer parking perimeter road; removing existing asphalt pavement at the top of the boat ramp and replacing it with new reinforced concrete pavement.
Work will also include removing the existing boat wash down facility, and construction of a new boat wash down with concrete pavement, new hose bibbs, and drainage improvements to keep runoff from entering the ocean.
Maui DOBOR district office held two pre-construction meetings with ramp users and contractors to explain the project, most recently on July 11. The contractor will work with boaters to ensure that access to the water at Kihei boat ramp will be available.
Project contractor is Maui Kupono Builders, LLC. Total project cost is $797,108.
Located in south Kihei on the south side of Maui, this DOBOR facility has 3 ramps, 2 docks, vessel wash down, restrooms and shower. The ramp is used by a mix of commercial and recreational boaters.
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Media contact:
Deborah Ward
DLNR Communications specialist
Phone: (808) 587-0320