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HSPLS NEWS RELEASE: Hawaii Island Public Libraries – No internet connectivity until further notice

Posted on Oct 13, 2017 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU — Earlier today, the high speed fiber network that provides internet connectivity to all Hawaii State Public Library System staff and public computers on Hawaii Island went down. Limited internet connectivity has been temporarily restored to some Hawaii Island branch staff. Internet connectivity for all public access computers remains down island-wide until further notice.  Equipment and technical staff are being flown to Hawaii Island for repairs.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our Hawaii Island library patrons and thank them for their patience.

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Media Contact:

Mallory Fujitani
Office of the State Librarian
(808) 586-3714
Email: [email protected]

Hawaii State Public Library System
Library Development Services Section
3225 Salt Lake Blvd., Suite 205
Honolulu, HI  96818
Ph. (808) 831-6878 | Fax (808) 831-6882
Email:  [email protected]