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STATEMENT: Public Access Programming Lineup

Posted on Mar 29, 2018 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – On Friday, March 23, 2018, the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) issued Decision and Order No. 372 regarding the placement of linear public, educational, and governmental (PEG) access channels on Oceanic Time Warner Cable’s (dba Spectrum) system.

“After extensive discussions, we are pleased to come to an agreement that protects and preserves public access channels for Hawaii and its residents,” said Catherine P. Awakuni Colón, Director, DCCA. “PEG access programming is a public benefit that enables viewers to remain informed on statewide issues and provides an outlet for local producers to showcase Hawaii’s unique communities and cultures.”

“Through this Decision and Order, current channel placement will be maintained, thereby ensuring that public programming will continue to be easily accessible,” added Cable Television Administrator Ji Sook “Lisa” Kim. “This agreement improves certainty for established channels for public access programming, and most importantly, grants DCCA express approval authority over Spectrum’s PEG linear channel placement until 2036.”

The full text of Decision and Order No. 372 is available on the CATV website here.

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Media Contact:


William Nhieu

Communications Officer

Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs

Email:  [email protected]

Phone: (808) 586-7582

Cell: (808) 389-2788