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Attorney General 2019-7 Four Additional Attorneys General Join National Emergency Lawsuit

Posted on Mar 13, 2019 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – Hawaii Attorney General Clare E. Connors today welcomed Attorneys General from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin to the coalition of 20 states challenging President Trump’s unfounded declaration of a national emergency and his attempt to divert funding appropriated by Congress for other purposes. The coalition alleges that the Trump Administration’s emergency declaration and diversion of funds is unconstitutional and otherwise unlawful. The group seeks to block the Trump Administration’s emergency declaration, the unauthorized construction of the border wall, and any illegal diversion of Congressionally-appropriated funds.

“The President’s declaration of a national emergency is clearly unlawful,” said Attorney General Connors.  “We will stand with our colleagues to ensure the President does not harm our communities by diverting funds appropriated by Congress.”

The complaint amended today alleges that the Trump Administration’s action declaring a national emergency due to a purported border crisis is unlawful and unconstitutional. President Trump’s hyped crisis is a pretext to justify redirecting congressionally-appropriated funds to pay to build a wall along the southern border after he failed to get Congress — or Mexico — to pay for it. The facts do not support President Trump’s rhetoric or his declaration. Unlawful southern border entries are within historic lows, immigrants are less likely than native-born citizens to commit crimes, and illegal drugs are more likely to come through official ports of entry. There is no credible evidence to suggest that a border wall would decrease crime rates.

The coalition alleges that the Trump Administration’s action exceeds the power of the executive office, violates the U.S. Constitution and federal statutes, and would illegally and unconstitutionally divert federal funds appropriated by Congress for other purposes. The suit seeks declaratory and injunctive relief to block the emergency declaration, the construction of the wall, and any illegal diversion of congressionally-appropriated funds.

The coalition, led by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, includes the attorneys general of Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

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For more information, contact:


Krishna F. Jayaram

Special Assistant to the Attorney General

Department of the Attorney General

(808) 586-1284

[email protected]