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GOVERNOR’S OFFICE NEWS RELEASE: Governor travels to Japan, China to promote economic development, energy cooperation, education

Posted on Oct 6, 2015 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

Ige will also celebrate 30th anniversary of sister-state relationships

HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige is traveling to Okinawa Prefecture in Japan and Guangdong Province in China between October 6 and 14. The state recognizes that Hawai‘i’s prosperity and security are intertwined with the Asia-Pacific region and it must rebalance its resources and investments toward Asia with an emphasis on economic development, energy cooperation, youth and education.

The purpose of this trip is to:

  • Recognize the 30th anniversary of the sister-state relationship with Okinawa Prefecture and Guangdong Province
  • Promote renewable energy cooperation, business and investment attraction
  • Promote educational partnerships and international student exchanges between Hawai‘i, Okinawa and Guangdong Province

The governor and First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige will participate in various ceremonies and events marking the 30th anniversary of Hawai‘i’s sister-state relationships with Okinawa and Guangdong Province, which are vital to the Aloha State economically, politically and culturally.

“We want to honor Hawai‘i’s 30-year relationship with both Okinawa Prefecture and Guangdong Province. Okinawa and Guangdong have had strong historical ties with Hawai‘i and have established many connections in business, cultural and educational exchanges with the Hawaiian Islands,” said Gov. Ige. “Our presence, bolstered by a strong Hawai‘i delegation, serves to reaffirm our relationships with Okinawa and Guangdong with plans to further strengthen our partnership in new and innovative ways.”

In addition, the governor is scheduled to visit various energy and technology facilities and meet with government officials, businesses and community leaders to discuss future projects based on Hawai‘i’s 100 percent renewable energy goal and expand travel to the islands for conventions, meetings and incentive travel.

Gov. Ige and Mrs. Ige are also scheduled to visit various universities, high schools and vocational schools in Okinawa and Guangzhou, Guandong Province, where they will meet with administrators, educators and students to explore options for expanding international student exchange to Hawai‘i. Student exchanges not only foster global understanding and tolerance, but positive economic impact with international students contributing an estimated $205.1 million to Hawaii’s economy in 2015.

(Link to the Governor’s public schedule here)

Gov. and Mrs. Ige are traveling as part of a mission led by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. Also traveling with the governor is Scott Tome, Executive Services Assistant.

The estimated cost of this trip is $8,870.99.

Lt. Gov. Shan Tsutsui will serve as Acting Governor while Gov. Ige is out of the state.


Media Contacts:
Jodi Leong
Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary
Office: 808-586-0043
Mobile: 808-798-3929
[email protected]

Cindy McMillan
Communications Director
Office: 808-586-0012
Mobile: 808-265-7974
[email protected]