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Office of the Governor: Acting Governor Clare Connors declares disaster emergency relief period for Maui County drought

Posted on Nov 10, 2021 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU – Acting Gov. Clare Connors has signed a proclamation that provides relief to Maui County, which has suffered under drought conditions since March 2019.

Rainfall, stream flow, and ground water levels in Maui County (which includes Maui, Molokaʻi and Lānaʻi) continue to be significantly below normal.

In March 2020, the secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture designated Maui County as a primary natural disaster area because of drought conditions, which remain unchanged today.

Ranches and farms in Maui County have suffered significant economic loss because of the persistent drought conditions. Large numbers of axis dear have migrated into agricultural and developed areas, seeking food and water – contributing to the loss of crops and the devastation of area farms. The deer are also foraging in urban areas and along roadways, causing several traffic accidents. In addition, about 300-500 deer are foraging along the fence line of the Kahului Airport, with a few entering active runways — creating unsafe conditions for aircraft landings and take-offs.

Gov. David Ige initially issued a proclamation declaring an emergency on Jan. 27, 2021, enabling the state to provide Maui County with relief from disaster damages, losses and suffering caused by the drought conditions. The proclamation also served to protect the health, safety and welfare of residents and visitors in Maui County. The initial proclamation expired after 60 days.

The proclamation signed by Acting Gov. Connors declares the emergency relief period begins immediately and continues through Jan. 7, 2022, unless terminated or superseded by a separate proclamation.

Gov. David Ige is in Glasgow, Scotland attending the COP26 Climate Change Conference. He is scheduled to return to Hawaiʻi on Nov. 13.


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