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DOH News Release: Celebrate Thanksgiving safely

Posted on Nov 23, 2021 in Latest Department News, Newsroom

HONOLULU – The Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH) reminds everyone to celebrate smartly this holiday season.

“Many people in Hawai‘i are fully vaccinated and should be able to get together with family and friends to celebrate the holidays. We’ve taken big steps forward and our behavior in the coming weeks can show that we really care,” said Health Director Dr. Elizabeth Char, FACEP.

Here are some Thanksgiving safety tips.

  • Celebrate with fully vaccinated people
  • Stay away from others if you are sick, have symptoms or have COVID-19
  • Get tested in you have COVID-19 symptoms
  • Limit gathering size to a small group, especially if dining indoors
  • Wear face masks indoors when not eating
  • Wear face masks indoors when with people from outside your household
  • Wear a face mask outdoors in crowded gatherings or with unvaccinated people
  • Gather outdoors if possible
  • Spread out and allow plenty of space for everyone
  • Set tables so people from the same households sit together
  • Limit possible exposure by keeping gatherings short in duration
  • Avoid places with poor airflow and improve airflow where possible
  • Keep your hands clean
  • Take extra precautions to protect seniors and the those who are immunocompromised
  • Do not travel unless fully vaccinated

Throughout the pandemic holiday get-togethers have resulted in increased case counts. Following these simple recommendations will help us reduce transmission and protect the people we care about the most.

Anyone who initiates their two dose primary vaccine series this week can be fully vaccinated in time to ring in the New Year.

Information on where vaccines are available can be found at

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Media Contact:

Brooks Baehr

Communications Office

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (808) 586-4417