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A brave new world for a more connected, sustainable future

Posted on Jul 25, 2022 in Capitol Connection, Featured, Main

The Entrepreneurs Sandbox provides a tech hub.

For the past eight years, the Ige administration has been developing ways to make Hawai‘i and its people more resilient for the future. This has included everything from expanded broadband infrastructure to digital literacy training, remote work options and a virtual marketplace for local products.

The progress to date:
A more sustainable visitor industry – The Hawai‘i Tourism Authority is focusing on “regenerative stewardship,” with messaging for residents and visitors alike and community-based Destination Management Action Plans to mitigate over-tourism.

More support for start-ups, small businesses and creative entrepreneurs to reach global markets – Even before the pandemic, DBEDT and other agencies launched programs such as accelerators to connect local companies with investment capital; fund expansion of broadband networks; develop creative industry projects in film, television, art, fashion and music; create marketing platforms for local goods through; and invest in facilities such as the Entrepreneurs Sandbox in Kaka‘ako. The Sandbox provides a new generation of entrepreneurs with tools and programs to grow their businesses and help diversify the state’s economy.

Expanded resources for emerging, high-demand jobs, such as clean energy, health, IT, and green jobs, as well as remote work options. New platforms include, HI CAN at and

Investing in transportation, broadband and other infrastructure to maintain and expand Hawai‘i’s connection to the world – This has included major airport and harbor modernization as well as expansion of broadband accessibility to underserved areas.

Read more in the August Capitol Connection newsletter.

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