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GOVERNOR’S OFFICE NEWS RELEASE: First-ever State Job Fair set for May 4th at State Capitol

Posted on Apr 29, 2016 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU — The first-ever State of Hawai‘i Job Fair will be held Wednesday, May 4, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the 4th floor of the State Capitol.

Representatives from each of the executive branch agencies will be available to explain departmental operations, job vacancy information and career opportunities.

The department list includes Accounting and General Services, Agriculture, Attorney General, Budget and Finance, Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Defense, Hawaiian Home Lands, Health, Human Services, Labor and Industrial Relations, Land and Natural Resources, Public Safety, Taxation, Transportation and Business, Economic Development and Tourism.

Representatives from the University of Hawai‘i and the Hawai‘i State Library system will participate in the Job Fair.

“We’re hoping that those with work experience as well as recent college graduates will stop by and learn about opportunities to begin a public service career,” said Jim Nishimoto, director of the Department of Human Resources and Development.

A complete list of current recruitments for civil service and non-civil service jobs is available on the department’s website. For more details on the job fair, go to


Media Contacts:

Patti Miyamoto-Asato

Human Resources Manager

Department of Human Resources Development

Office: 587-0988

Email: [email protected]


Jodi Leong

Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary

Office of the Governor

Office: 808-586-0043

Mobile: 808-798-3929

[email protected]