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2019 Acts

ACT 085, SB1232 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO CHILD SAFETY. Authorizes the Department of Human Services to disclose, upon consent, confirmed reports of child abuse or neglect to any parent or guardian of a child enrolled […]
Read More ACT 085, SB1232 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 084, SB1231 HD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO THE SPOUSE AND CHILD ABUSE SPECIAL FUND. Amends the name and purpose of the Spouse and Child Abuse Special Account to allow the Department of Human Services to […]
Read More ACT 084, SB1231 HD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 083, SB1226 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO CHILD CARE. Requires criminal history record checks of adult relatives who provide care for a child whose family receives a child care subsidy from the Department of Human […]
Read More ACT 083, SB1226 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 082, HB1417 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. Requires the Department of Human Services to use an integrated and multigenerational approach to delivering human services to reduce the incidence of intergenerational poverty and dependence […]
Read More ACT 082, HB1417 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 081, HB999 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO EXEMPTIONS FROM CIVIL SERVICE. Permanently exempts nine positions in the Department of Human Services from civil service. Temporarily exempts from civil service three positions in the Department of […]
Read More ACT 081, HB999 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 080, SB1223 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING ON HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS. Extends the sunset date of Act 141, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009, as amended, which requires each county to issue affordable housing […]
Read More ACT 080, SB1223 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 079, SB1221 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO THE HAWAII TEACHER STANDARDS BOARD. Clarifies delegation of powers to the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board’s Executive Director to timely approve license and permit applications. Clarifies reporting of data […]
Read More ACT 079, SB1221 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 078, HB993 HD2 SD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. Improves the effectiveness of the State Emergency Management Program through modifications and additions to chapter 127A, Hawaii Revised Statutes. (HB993 CD1)
Read More ACT 078, HB993 HD2 SD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 077, HB991 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO STATE MILITARY FORCES. Applies the protections of civil relief for state military forces to persons serving on full time National Guard duty under title 32 United States Code […]
Read More ACT 077, HB991 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 076, HB990 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FACILITIES. Allows the Department of Defense to recoup operating costs when the Adjutant General permits temporary use of department facilities to the public and requires […]
Read More ACT 076, HB990 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 075, HB989 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO MORTGAGE SERVICERS. Clarifies that documents required to be filed in conjunction with mortgage servicing licensing be filed through NMLS. Authorizes the Commissioner of Financial Institutions to issue cease […]
Read More ACT 075, HB989 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 074, HB988 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO TRANSITIONAL AUTHORITY IN THE MORTGAGE INDUSTRY. Implements section 106 of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, P.L. 115-174, by providing a 120-day temporary authority to […]
Read More ACT 074, HB988 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 073, SB1213 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO PROCUREMENT FILING FEE. Requires a party initiating a bid challenge to pay the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs a non-refundable filing fee for contracts with an estimated […]
Read More ACT 073, SB1213 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 072, SB1212 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO REGULATORY AUTHORITY OF THE INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. Requires third party administrators to be licensed and regulated by the Insurance Commissioner. Effective 1/1/2020. (CD1)
Read More ACT 072, SB1212 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 071, SB1210 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO INSURANCE. Meets National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) accreditation requirements by adopting the NAIC Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Model Act and adopting revisions to the NAIC Insurance Holding […]
Read More ACT 071, SB1210 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 070, SB25 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO INSURANCE. Amends various portions of the Hawaii Insurance Code under title 24, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to update and improve existing Insurance Code provisions. Establishes requirements for proposed name […]
Read More ACT 070, SB25 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 069, SB1130 SD1 HD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO TAXATION. Specifies that the Internal Revenue Code section 512(a)(7), with respect to increases in unrelated business taxable income by disallowed fringe, is not operative in Hawaii income tax […]
Read More ACT 069, SB1130 SD1 HD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 068, SB1176 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO FALSE CLAIMS TO THE STATE. Amends the false claims statute, section 661-21(a), Hawaii Revised Statutes, to increase civil monetary penalty minimum and maximum amounts to maintain consistency with […]
Read More ACT 068, SB1176 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 067, SB1173 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO CHILD SUPPORT. Amends the income withholding requirements to impose a fine against any employer who (1) discharges from employment, refuses to employ, or takes disciplinary action against any […]
Read More ACT 067, SB1173 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 066, HB945 HD1 SD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS. Clarifies requirements for submission of financial reports by professional solicitors and commercial co-venturers that raise funds for a charitable organization. Eliminates audit report requirements for charitable […]
Read More ACT 066, HB945 HD1 SD1, 6/7/2019