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2019 Acts

ACT 145, HB560 HD1 SD1 CD1, JUNE 26, 2019
RELATING TO ENERGY TRAINING. Requires UH community colleges to establish energy systems and technology training courses for county officers and employees responsible for permitting, inspecting, licensing, and approving construction projects […]
Read More ACT 145, HB560 HD1 SD1 CD1, JUNE 26, 2019
ACT 144, HB401 HD1 SD2 CD1, JUNE 26, 2019
RELATING TO CONTRACTING FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES. Requires all public agencies to identify and evaluate vehicle fleet energy efficiency programs to be implemented using vehicle fleet performance contracts, whereby the agencies […]
Read More ACT 144, HB401 HD1 SD2 CD1, JUNE 26, 2019
ACT 143, SB661 SD1 HD1 CD1, JUNE 26, 2019
RELATING TO FUEL CELL ELECTRIC VEHICLES. Grants procurement priority for fuel cell electric vehicles for state and county vehicle purchases. Includes fuel cell electric vehicles in the definition of “electric […]
Read More ACT 143, SB661 SD1 HD1 CD1, JUNE 26, 2019
ACT 142, HB1585 HD1 SD2 CD1, JUNE 26, 2019
RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Establishes a rebate program for installation of eligible new or upgraded multi-user electric vehicle charging systems. Authorizes the Public Utilities Commission to contract for third-party administration […]
Read More ACT 142, HB1585 HD1 SD2 CD1, JUNE 26, 2019
ACT 141, HB556 HD1 SD2 CD1, JUNE 26, 2019
RELATING TO ENERGY EFFICIENCY. Requires the department of business, economic development, and tourism to adopt minimum appliance efficiency standards for certain products sold or installed in the State that are […]
Read More ACT 141, HB556 HD1 SD2 CD1, JUNE 26, 2019
ACT 140, HB1453 HD1 SD1 CD2, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. Authorizes the DOH to establish fees for ground transportation to medical facilities and for provision of emergency medical services that do not include transport. Authorizes […]
Read More ACT 140, HB1453 HD1 SD1 CD2, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 139, SB1246 SD2 HD2 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO TELEHEALTH. Establishes goals for the adoption and proliferation of telehealth to increase health care access. Establishes the State Strategic Telehealth Advisory Council and permanent State Telehealth and Health […]
Read More ACT 139, SB1246 SD2 HD2 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 138, SB549 SD1 HD2, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO HEALTHY BEVERAGES FOR CHILDREN. Requires restaurants that sell children’s meals that include a beverage to make the default beverage a healthy beverage. (SB549 HD2)
Read More ACT 138, SB549 SD1 HD2, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 137, HB168 SD1, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO THE ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION OF BALLOTS. Authorizes a voter with special needs, including a disability, to request that a ballot be forwarded by electronic transmission at any time. (SD1)
Read More ACT 137, HB168 SD1, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 136, HB1248 HD1 SD2 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Enacts voting by mail uniformly across all counties for all elections commencing in 2020. Establishes a limited number of voter service centers that would remain open from […]
Read More ACT 136, HB1248 HD1 SD2 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 135, SB216 SD2 HD1 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Requires a mandatory recount of election votes and ballot measures when the margin of victory for election contests or tabulation for ballot measures is equal to or […]
Read More ACT 135, SB216 SD2 HD1 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 134, HB757 HD1 SD1 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Requires DOT and county transportation departments to adopt Vision Zero policies to prevent and eliminate traffic fatalities. Requires the State Highway Safety Council, in consultation with the […]
Read More ACT 134, HB757 HD1 SD1 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 133, SB693 SD2 HD1 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO THE STATEWIDE TRAFFIC CODE. Clarifies what pedestrians are required to do when in a crosswalk while a countdown timer is operating. (CD1)
Read More ACT 133, SB693 SD2 HD1 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 132, SB98 HD1 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO CROSSWALK SAFETY. Clarifies the requirement that a driver of a motor vehicle yield to or stop for a pedestrian by specifying when a pedestrian is considered to be […]
Read More ACT 132, SB98 HD1 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 131, SB663 SD2 HD1 CD1,
RELATING TO HIGHWAY SAFETY. Establishes within the DOT a red light running committee to develop policy for pilot programs in the C&C of Honolulu, and Counties of Maui, Kauai, and […]
Read More ACT 131, SB663 SD2 HD1 CD1,
ACT 130, SB567 SD2 HD2 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATED TO MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT. Appropriates funds for program ID HTH420 for the Department of Health to contract for legal assistance with petitions for assisted community treatment and related court […]
Read More ACT 130, SB567 SD2 HD2 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 129, SB1124 SD2 HD1 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO MENTAL HEALTH. Requires a licensed psychiatrist or advanced practice registered nurse with prescriptive authority and psychiatric specialization to determine, prior to a person’s discharge from a psychiatric facility, […]
Read More ACT 129, SB1124 SD2 HD1 CD1, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 128, HB257 HD2 SD1 CD1,
RELATING TO HOMELESSNESS. Authorizes the use of private lands for the Ohana Zones Pilot Program. Provides additional time for the implementation of the Ohana Zones Pilot Program to June 30, […]
Read More ACT 128, HB257 HD2 SD1 CD1,
ACT 127, SB366 SD2 HD2, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO HEALTH. Appropriates funds to the Executive Office on Aging to fund the existing position of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia Services Coordinator. Exempts the position from civil service […]
Read More ACT 127, SB366 SD2 HD2, JUNE 25, 2019
ACT 126, SB1025 SD1 HD2, JUNE 25, 2019
RELATING TO THE KUPUNA CAREGIVERS PROGRAM. Requires the Executive Office on Aging (EOA) to develop and implement a plan to maximize the number of Kupuna Caregivers Program (Program) participants and […]
Read More ACT 126, SB1025 SD1 HD2, JUNE 25, 2019