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2019 Acts

ACT 105, SB1342 HD1 CD2, 6/21/2019
RELATING TO THE PROBATE CODE. Requires the Chief Justice to study and analyze the national landscape of donative transfer statutes and suggest revisions to Hawaii’s donative transfer law. (SB1342 CD2)
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ACT 104, HB463 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/21/2019
RELATING TO FOOD SAFETY. Requires and appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture to partner with the Hawaii agricultural community to establish a Food Safety Certification Training Program to assist […]
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ACT 103, SB754 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/21/2019
RELATING TO AGRICULTURE. Enacts produce safety rules in accordance with the federal Food and Drug Administration Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption. (CD1)
Read More ACT 103, SB754 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/21/2019
ACT 102, HB349 SD1, 6/21/2019
RELATING TO INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY. Designates June 21 of each year as International Yoga Day. (SD1)
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ACT 101, HB1157 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/20/2019
RELATING TO POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION STUDENT IMMUNIZATIONS. Exempts students in post-secondary education programs from immunization requirements if they attend classes exclusively online or through distance learning, under certain conditions. (HB1157 CD1)
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ACT 100, HB901 HD1 SD2, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Reduces the number of paper copies of government publications required to be deposited with the State Publications Distribution Center. Requires state and county agencies to deposit […]
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ACT 099, HB942 HD2 SD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR CLAIMS AGAINST THE STATE, ITS OFFICERS, OR ITS EMPLOYEES. Makes appropriations for claims against the State, its officers, and its employees. (HB942 CD1)
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ACT 098, HB543 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Directs the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation to initiate negotiations and exercise its power of eminent domain to acquire the Front Street Apartments affordable housing […]
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ACT 097, SB1271 SD1 HD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO TAX REFUND OFFSETS. Clarifies that tax refund offsets may be performed by the Department of Accounting and General Services and the Department of Taxation. (SB1271 HD1)
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ACT 096, SB394 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO TAXATION. Amends the rules for sourcing the sales factor for net income tax to impose market sourcing for sales of other than tangible personal property. Provides specific rules […]
Read More ACT 096, SB394 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 095, SB1263 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO THE UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT. Amends the Uniform Controlled Substance Act by updating Schedule V and amending requirements for electronic prescriptions, for consistency with federal law. (CD1)
Read More ACT 095, SB1263 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 094, HB1033 HD2 SD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO MANDATORY VESSEL INSURANCE COVERAGE. Requires owners of vessels over 26 feet and registered with DLNR or with a Coast Guard document number and owners of grounded vessels to […]
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ACT 093, HB1028 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO THE ENDANGERED SPECIES TRUST FUND. Expands the type of revenue that can be deposited into the Endangered Species Trust Fund. (HB1028 CD1)
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ACT 092, SB1241 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO ENERGY DATA. Permits the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to share energy data with the Department of Health for purposes of regulating greenhouse gas emissions. (CD1)
Read More ACT 092, SB1241 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 091, SB1240 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO MEDICAID WAIVER. Adds an exception to the department of health home care agency licensing requirements for medicaid waiver provider agencies providing services to medicaid waiver participants. (CD1)
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ACT 090, HB1013 HD2 SD2, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO INVOLUNTARY HOSPITALIZATION. Establishes an involuntary hospitalization task force to examine existing law and make recommendations to the legislature to reduce unnecessary emergency department admissions and improve access for […]
Read More ACT 090, HB1013 HD2 SD2, 6/7/2019
ACT 089, SB1238 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO ESTABLISHING THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE ON AGING ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIMING SPECIAL FUND. Creates the Executive Office on Aging Administrative Claiming Special Fund to enhance the drawdown of federal funds. Appropriates […]
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ACT 088, SB1237 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO HEALTH. Requires health insurance providers that provide medicare advantage (medicare part C) health benefit plans to submit administrative data, including health care services claims and payment data, to […]
Read More ACT 088, SB1237 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 087, SB1236 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS. Clarifies that the exemption from payment of parking fees is an exception for drivers who are unable to reach or operate a parking meter […]
Read More ACT 087, SB1236 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/7/2019
ACT 086, HB1007 SD1, 6/7/2019
RELATING TO ADDING THE ROTH OPTION FOR THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN. Allow participants to make both pre-tax contributions and post-tax contributions to the State Deferred Compensation Plan. (SD1)
Read More ACT 086, HB1007 SD1, 6/7/2019