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2016 Acts

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Act 42, SB2553 HD1, 4/29/16
RELATING TO NON-GENERAL FUNDS. Repeals and transfers the unencumbered balances of various non-general funds and accounts recommended by the Auditor in Auditor’s Report No. 15-19. Act 42, SB2553 HD1
Read More Act 42, SB2553 HD1, 4/29/16
Act 41, SB2565, 4/29/16
RELATING TO THE HAWAII PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY. Repeals the state housing sales program of the Hawaii public housing authority. Act 41, SB2565
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Act 40, SB2607 SD2 HD2, 4/29/16
RELATING TO STUDENT DATA MANAGEMENT. Limits the ways in which the operator of a website, online service, online application, or mobile application working with the Department of Education can use […]
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Act 39, SB2660 HD2, 4/29/16
RELATING TO BUREAU OF CONVEYANCES. Removes the sunset date of Act 119, Session Laws of Hawaii 2013, as amended, thereby making permanent the voluntary deregistration process for fee non-time share […]
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Act 38, SB2675 SD1 HD2, 4/29/16
RELATING TO LICENSING. Authorizes the Board of Dental Examiners, Hawaii Medical Board, Board of Nursing, and Board of Pharmacy to deny a license to an applicant or impose disciplinary action […]
Read More Act 38, SB2675 SD1 HD2, 4/29/16
Act 37, SB2906 HD2, 4/29/16
RELATING TO SECTION 13 OF ACT 380, SESSION LAWS OF HAWAII 1997. Removes the sunset date on the use of new safe harbor agreements, habitat conservation plans, and incidental take […]
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Act 36, SB2912 SD2 HD1, 4/29/16
RELATING TO THE STATEWIDE INTEGRATED SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT PROGRAM. Aligns state programs with nationally recognized best practices in the assessment, evaluation, treatment, and supervision of adult and certain juvenile sex […]
Read More Act 36, SB2912 SD2 HD1, 4/29/16
Act 35, SB2914 SD1 HD1, 4/29/16
RELATING TO COURT ORDERS TO PROVIDE MEDICAL TREATMENT IN CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES. Amends procedures and criteria for involuntary medical treatment of inmates and detainees in correctional facilities by court order. Act […]
Read More Act 35, SB2914 SD1 HD1, 4/29/16
Act 34, SB2916 SD1 HD1, 4/29/16
RELATING TO PUBLIC SAFETY. Includes misdemeanor offenses under chapter 134, Hawaii Revised Statutes, relating to firearms, ammunition, and dangerous weapons, to the offenses that disqualify retaken and reimprisoned parolees from […]
Read More Act 34, SB2916 SD1 HD1, 4/29/16
Act 33, SB2921 HD1, 4/29/16
RELATING TO CONFORMITY TO THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. Conforms Hawaii income and estate and generation-skipping transfer tax laws to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended as of December […]
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Act 32, SB2887 SD1, 4/28/16
RELATING TO DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES. Amends the definition of “developmental disabilities” in section 333F-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to include children from birth to age 9 who have a substantial developmental delay […]
Read More Act 32, SB2887 SD1, 4/28/16
Act 31, SB2841, 4/28/16
RELATING TO PAYMENTS BY EMPLOYERS TO THE EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Confirms that employer contributions to the Employees’ Retirement System may be made in advance or on a monthly basis. Act […]
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Act 30, SB2838 SD1, 4/28/16
RELATING TO INVESTMENTS OF THE HAWAII EMPLOYER-UNION HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST FUND. Repeals certain restrictions on investments that can be made by the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund. Act 30, […]
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Act 29, SB2333 SD1, 4/28/16
RELATED TO LICENSED MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPISTS. Permits marriage and family therapists licensed pursuant to chapter 451J, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to use the title “licensed marriage and family therapist”. Makes […]
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Act 28, SB2107, 4/28/16
RELATING TO PEN REGISTERS. Amends the definition of “pen register” to include cell phones and other communications devices among those that the numbers transmitted to and from may be recorded. […]
Read More Act 28, SB2107, 4/28/16
Act 27, HB2416, 4/28/16
RELATING TO RENEWABLE ENERGY. Repeals chapter 201N, HRS, relating to the REFSP. Deposits proceeds in the renewable energy facility siting special fund into the general fund. Act 27, HB2416
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Act 26, HB939, 4/27/16
RELATING TO AMENDING IDENTITY OF REGISTRANT’S PARENT ON A BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Clarifies that amendments to birth records that change parenthood shall not be conducted through the Uniform Information Practices Act […]
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Act 25, SB305 SD1 HD1, 4/26/16
RELATING TO USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND E-CIGARETTES ON HAWAII HEALTH SYSTEMS CORPORATION PREMISES. Prohibits the use of tobacco products and electronic smoking devices on the premises of Hawaii Health […]
Read More Act 25, SB305 SD1 HD1, 4/26/16
Act 24, SB2256 SD1, 4/26/16
RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER LICENSING. Authorizes issuance of driver’s licenses with the notation of “veteran” for persons who are veterans of the Korean conflict and persons who served in […]
Read More Act 24, SB2256 SD1, 4/26/16
Act 23, SB2511, 4/26/16
RELATING TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS. Includes the Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism as a permanent member on the Broadband Assistance Advisory Council. Ensures a member from each county is represented […]
Read More Act 23, SB2511, 4/26/16