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2016 Acts

For a full report from the Hawai’i State Legislature, click HERE.

ACT 182, SB3084 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO CESSPOOLS. Amends the cesspool upgrade, conversion, or connection income tax credit by making it available for cesspools within a tax map key area in which more than one […]
Read More ACT 182, SB3084 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 181, SB2886 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO AGE OF CONSENT FOR ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES. Reduces barriers to accessing mental health services for minors by lowering the age of consent to receive treatment and services, […]
Read More ACT 181, SB2886 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 180, SB911 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO LATEX. Prohibits the use of latex gloves by personnel working in food establishments or by personnel providing ambulance services or emergency medical services beginning on 1/1/2017. Prohibits the […]
Read More ACT 180, SB911 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 179, HB2626 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS. Prohibits the DOH from issuing a permit for a new underground fuel storage tank within 100 yards of the shoreline. Allows DOH to issue a […]
Read More ACT 179, HB2626 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 178, HB1668 SD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
RELATING TO THE USE OF A DOG IN JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS. Authorizes any state court to permit the use of a trained and credentialed facility dog in a judicial proceeding to […]
Read More ACT 178, HB1668 SD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
ACT 177, SB2476 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/30/2016
RELATING TO HEALTH. Enhances early intervention language services for children who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind. Requires the DOH, DOE, and Executive Office on Early Learning to establish […]
Read More ACT 177, SB2476 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/30/2016
ACT 176, HB2569 HD2 SD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
RELATING TO ENERGY. Requires the Department of Education to establish a goal of becoming net-zero with respect to energy use by January 1, 2035. Requires the Department of Education to […]
Read More ACT 176, HB2569 HD2 SD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
ACT 175, SB2788 HD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
RELATING TO THE MOLOKAI IRRIGATION SYSTEM WATER USERS ADVISORY BOARD. Amends eligibility requirements for membership on the Molokai Irrigation System Water Users Advisory Board. Makes agents, officers, and employees of […]
Read More ACT 175, SB2788 HD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
ACT 174, SB2217 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
RELATING TO AGRICULTURE. Appropriates funds for operation, repair, maintenance, and improvement costs for the East Kauai Irrigation System by the East Kauai Water Users’ Cooperative. (CD1) ACT 174, SB2217 SD2 […]
Read More ACT 174, SB2217 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
ACT 173, HB2077 HD2 SD2 CD1, 6/30/2016
RELATING TO HYDROELECTRIC POWER. Permits hydroelectric facilities that are considered small hydropower facilities by the United States Department of Energy on agricultural district lands. (CD1) ACT 173, HB2077 HD2 SD2 […]
Read More ACT 173, HB2077 HD2 SD2 CD1, 6/30/2016
ACT 172, HB2040 SD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
RELATING TO WATER SECURITY. Establishes a two-year pilot program in the Department of Land and Natural Resources that enables public-private partnerships to provide funds for projects that increase water security. […]
Read More ACT 172, HB2040 SD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
ACT 171, HB2029 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/30/2016
RELATING TO WATER INFRASTRUCTURE LOANS. Establishes the Water Infrastructure Loan Program under the Department of Agriculture. Allows the Department to make loans for the purchase and installation of water infrastructure […]
Read More ACT 171, HB2029 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/30/2016
ACT 170, HB1749 HD1 SD2 CD1 , 6/30/2016
RELATING TO WATER MANAGEMENT. Amends the goals of the Hawaii water plan to include the utilization of reclaimed water for uses other than drinking and for potable water needs in […]
Read More ACT 170, HB1749 HD1 SD2 CD1 , 6/30/2016
ACT 169, SB2645 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
RELATING TO WATER AUDITS. Requires the commission on water resource management to establish a program to provide technical assistance to the counties and public water systems to implement standardized water […]
Read More ACT 169, SB2645 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/30/2016
ACT 168, HB1654 HD1 SD2, 6/29/2016
RELATING TO ABSENTEE BALLOTS. Allows a permanent absentee voter to temporarily receive a ballot at an alternate address for elections within an election cycle. Clarifies that certain conditions that normally […]
Read More ACT 168, HB1654 HD1 SD2, 6/29/2016
ACT 167, HB1055 HD2 SD1, 6/29/2016
RELATED TO ELECTIONS. Requires on an application to register to vote, a Hawaii driver’s license number or a Hawaii state identification card number or, if no license or identification card […]
Read More ACT 167, HB1055 HD2 SD1, 6/29/2016
ACT 166, SB2551 HD1 CD1, 6/29/2016
RELATING TO NON-GENERAL FUNDS. Requires the judiciary to submit an annual report to the legislature on the judiciary’s management of non-general funds and administratively created accounts or funds. (CD1) ACT […]
Read More ACT 166, SB2551 HD1 CD1, 6/29/2016
ACT 165, SB2512 SD1 HD2 CD1, 6/29/2016
RELATING TO ANIMALS. Establishes penalties for the offense of pet animal or equine animal desertion. Imposes a fine not exceeding $1,000 for each desertion of each pet animal and equine […]
Read More ACT 165, SB2512 SD1 HD2 CD1, 6/29/2016
ACT 164, SB2439 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/29/2016
RELATING TO LAW ENFORCEMENT. Establishes exceptions to the offense of obstructing government operations and the offense of violation of privacy in the second degree for a person making a video […]
Read More ACT 164, SB2439 SD1 HD1 CD1, 6/29/2016
ACT 163, SB2812 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/29/2016
RELATING TO CHARITABLE SOLICITATION. Amends Hawaii’s charitable registration and solicitation law to require affirmative disclosures to donors by professional solicitors; clarify exemptions from registration; authorize the Department of the Attorney […]
Read More ACT 163, SB2812 SD2 HD2 CD1, 6/29/2016