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2016 Acts

For a full report from the Hawai’i State Legislature, click HERE.

ACT 102, HB2675 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO RAPID OHIA DEATH Appropriates funds for research to combat rapid ohia death. (HB2675 CD1) ACT 102, HB2675 HD1 SD2 CD1  
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ACT 101, HB2017 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO WORKERS’ COMPENSATION TREATMENT PLANS Allows physicians to submit workers’ compensation treatment plans to employers by mail or facsimile. Beginning January 1, 2021, requires employers to allow physicians to […]
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ACT 100, HB1011 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO THE TRAFFIC CODE Defines dangerous wheels and prohibits their use on vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers. (HB1011 CD1) ACT 100, HB1011 HD1 SD2 CD1
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ACT 99, HB901 SD1 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO LAW ENFORCEMENT VEHICLES Authorizes law enforcement vehicles of the harbors division of the department of transportation to be equipped with lights, sirens, and other equipment in a similar […]
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ACT 98, HB2231 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO ENERGY COOPERATIVES Clarifies that a publicly owned energy cooperative may be considered an energy project and project party for purposes of receiving financing through special purpose revenue bonds. […]
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ACT 97, HB1756 HD3 SD2 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO NURSING Requires submittal of electronic fingerprints for criminal history record checks from nurse licensure applicants and nurse licensure renewal applicants. Authorizes the Board of Nursing to conduct investigations […]
Read More ACT 97, HB1756 HD3 SD2 CD1, 6/21/2016
ACT 96, HB2340 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORDS CHECKS UNDER THE CHILD PROTECTIVE ACT Amends the Child Protective Act so that when an assessment is required, the Department of Human Services is authorized […]
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ACT 95, HB2093 HD1 SD2 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL PURPOSE REVENUE BONDS FOR GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF HAWAII, INC. Authorizes the issuance of special purpose revenue bonds for projects of Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, […]
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ACT 94, HB900 HD2 SD2 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FRAUD Provides that a person commits medical assistance fraud if the person knowingly makes or causes to be made a false statement or representation of a […]
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ACT 93, HB2389 HD1 SD1 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO THE FEDERAL REIMBURSEMENT MAXIMIZATION SPECIAL FUND Allows use of the Federal Reimbursement Maximization Special Fund to recruit and maintain corrections workforce. (HB2389 CD1) ACT 93, HB2389 HD1 SD1 […]
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ACT 92, SB2861 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO THE JOINT FORMULARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Repeals the Joint Formulary Advisory Committee established by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. Allows the Board of Nursing to be the […]
Read More ACT 92, SB2861 SD2 HD1 CD1, 6/21/2016
ACT 91, SB2823 HD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO THE HAWAII HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Authorizes the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation Board of Directors to set the salary of the Hawaii Housing Finance and […]
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ACT 90, SB2540 HD1 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Authorizes the Governor, with the assistance of the Director of Health, to negotiate with any person for the development or expansion of a forensic […]
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ACT 89, HB1585 HD2 SD1 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO GUARDIANSHIP Prohibits guardians of an adult ward from restricting the ward’s right to communicate, unless it is deemed by the guardian to pose a risk to the safety […]
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ACT 88, HB2343 HD2 SD1 CD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS FOR CHILD CARE PROVIDERS Brings state law into alignment with changes to the federal Child Care and Development Block Grant, P.L. 113-186. Requires DHS to conduct background […]
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ACT 87, HB2204 HD1 SD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO EDUCATION Repeals annual increment and longevity step salary increases for department of education teachers and educational officers and clarifies that such increases shall be determined through collective bargaining. […]
Read More ACT 87, HB2204 HD1 SD1, 6/21/2016
ACT 86, HB2466 HD1 SD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO NON-GENERAL FUNDS Requires DOH and BUF to conduct a study of the re-distribution of cigarette tax revenues. (SD1) ACT 86, HB2466 HD1 SD1
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ACT 85, HB2311 SD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO REPORTING DEATHS TO STATE AGENCIES Authorizes the Department of Health to continue to disclose, including through electronic means, lists of names of persons whose deaths have been recorded […]
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ACT 84, HB2295 HD1 SD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO THE AEROSPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Reduces the number of members on the Aerospace Advisory Committee from 15 to 13. Allows the members of the Aerospace Advisory Committee to elect […]
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ACT 83, HB2281 SD1, 6/21/2016
RELATING TO SERVICE BY PUBLICATION IN PATERNITY CASES Amends the Uniform Parentage Act to allow for service by publication or by any other manner that is reasonably calculated to give […]
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