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Capitol Connection

More housing for local families. Better solutions for homelessness. An innovation economy driven by homegrown talent. A chance for our children to live in a safe, sustainable Hawai‘i. Those are ...
Read More From the Governor: Taking action, getting results for the future

• Focused efforts produce results – While there are no quick fixes to moving people off the streets, evidence shows we’re on the right track to help people “thrive, not ...
Read More Reducing homelessness with better solutions

• More housing units for local residents -The Ige administration is on track to reach its goal of 10,000 housing units by 2020. About 5,300 units have been produced since ...
Read More Building more housing people can afford

“As the nation’s only island state, we in Hawai‘i know climate change is real,” said Governor Ige. “It’s unfortunate that President Trump withdrew from the Paris Accord, but now states ...
Read More Taking the lead on sustainability and clean energy

• Cooled 1,300 of Hawai‘i’s hottest classrooms – Governor Ige exceeded his promise to cool more than 1,000 classrooms with a $100 million legislative appropriation. Students and teachers at over ...
Read More Transforming education for student success

  • Continued building on record tourism and international business development -The Ige administration brought more global travelers to the state and expanded routes from the U.S. mainland and Asia. ...
Read More Growing a strong economy — now and for the future

• Finished more highway projects on O‘ahu and the neighbor islands to alleviate traffic congestion, including Zipper Lane expansion and contraflow lanes on Kahekili and Farrington Highway, completion of Saddle ...
Read More Moving ahead on traffic and transportation

• Launched ‘Ohana Nui, a multi-generational service approach to help families break the cycle of poverty and initiated the Kupuna Caregivers program to help family caregivers with full-time jobs tap ...
Read More Improving health and human services

• Hawai‘i rated strong on fiscal management – Moody’s Analytics reported Hawai‘i is one of only 16 states with enough cash reserves to weather the “stress test” of another recession. ...
Read More Managing better, smarter: Saving dollars and modernizing systems

Until you assume the office, no one can really know what it means to be Hawai‘i’s governor: the daily decisions that affect thousands of people, the responsibility to help chart ...
Read More From the governor: Challenges, progress, the year ahead