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Capitol Connection

Since taking office two years ago, Governor Ige and his administration have taken action on multiple fronts to increase affordable housing and reduce homelessness. This issue of Capitol Connection looks ...
Read More From the governor: Working together on the road to home

Whether it’s a studio rental or a home for a growing family, what can be done to provide more affordable housing across the state? Governor Ige wants folks to know ...
Read More Bridging the housing gap with partnerships, better tools

For the Governor’s Coordinator on Homelessness Scott Morishige and his small four-person team, homelessness is much more than numbers and a “Point-in-Time” count.  Homelessness has a face and a name. ...
Read More Making progress: Breaking the cycle of homelessness

It was standing room only at the Kaua‘i Community Connection last month as Governor Ige and state department heads answered questions on everything from traffic and the environment to education ...
Read More Connecting on the Garden Isle

A rent with the option to purchase pilot project has resulted in 61 new homeowners on Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and taken them off the waiting list. DHHL joined ...
Read More New homeowners celebrate successful DHHL project

It was “Dave Shoji Day” April 13 at the state Capitol to honor the iconic UH Rainbow  Wahine volleyball  coach who retired this year after 42 winning seasons. Governor Ige ...
Read More Honors for a beloved coach

Hawai‘i ranked No. 1 in the nation for health care, said a U.S. News and World Report analysis — thanks in part to what the magazine called “a four-decade jump ...
Read More Hawai’i ranked No. 1 for health care

A Kaua‘i solar farm project that uses Tesla batteries to store enough power to serve 4,500 homes during peak night hours is helping the state reach its goal of having 100 ...
Read More Harnessing the sun: KIUC project called first in nation

“Our natural world is a gift with limits. We must carefully steward this gift if we are to survive together.”  — Governor David Y. Ige Clean drinking water seems as simple ...
Read More Creating a Sustainable Hawai’i begins with all of us

What does it take to fight invasive species? Often it means an army of ordinary citizens, working hand in hand with government, attacking one bug, one weed at a time. ...
Read More Progress statewide: ‘Invasive Species Heroes’ honored