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Since its founding in 1999, Aloha Harvest has become the largest food rescue and redistribution organization in our islands and has contributed significantly in fighting against hunger on O’ahu for ...
Read More Aloha Harvest Month (June 2022)

When he took office, Governor Ige asked the same question as everyone else: What will it take to build more affordable housing in Hawai‘i?  Acting on the advice of industry ...
Read More From the governor: More housing for Hawai‘i’s people

The signs are all around us as COVID-19 case counts climb and the state Department of Health is keeping a close eye on hospitalizations. Health director Dr. Libby Char told ...
Read More DOH urges caution as COVID-19 cases rise statewide

The right housing can change lives.  Just ask some of the thousands of local folks  who have been able to find housing they can afford in Hawai‘i during the past ...
Read More A pipeline of affordable units over the past 8 years

The housing outlook for local residents is looking a lot brighter than it did eight years ago — and not only because of this year’s significant appropriations from the state ...
Read More Affordable housing: Transforming spaces, changing lives

Don Collier, paralegal – “Having this unit means a lot to me.  I’ve lived in ‘Aiea all my life and commute to work downtown on the bus. It takes about ...
Read More Home, sweet home at Hale Kālele

Partnerships. Resources. Persistence. That’s what service providers and homeless coordinators say it takes to get people off the streets and into safer, stable housing. Even though clusters of homeless folks ...
Read More It takes a village: Breaking the cycle of homelessness

When is a homestead more than just land? If you’re a beneficiary of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act who has been waiting decades for a homestead, it’s everything. It’s the ...
Read More DHHL: Moving from waitlists to a place to call home

The state is prepared to settle a landmark class-action lawsuit filed more than 20 years ago by native Hawaiians waiting for homestead land leases. Under the settlement for Kalima v. ...
Read More State to settle historic Kalima case for 8 million

When children are hungry, they can’t learn.” That simple yet fundamental statement is at the heart of First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige’s dedication to projects she’s spearheaded in Hawai‘i, such as ...
Read More Nourishing Hawai‘i’s students, now and for the future