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In the midst of a tight housing market, two projects are moving forward to help both kūpuna and veterans. The first is the Halewai‘olu Senior Residences in Chinatown, which will ...
Read More New senior housing, veterans home groundbreakings held

The clean energy partnership between Hawai‘i and Okinawa was reinforced recently with the renewal of a joint Memorandum of Cooperation between Governor Ige and Governor Yasuhiro Tamaki of Okinawa. The ...
Read More Hawai‘i – Okinawa Clean Energy partnership renewed

Sometimes what matters most in a society is how we treat each other. Values supporting social justice and protecting the most vulnerable were the foundation for a series of bills ...
Read More New laws to promote social justice and protect others

The state’s ocean resources are now better protected with Governor Ige’s signing into law nine bills to mark World Oceans Day June 8. They ranged from criminalizing the intentional killing ...
Read More Governor signs bills to protect Hawai‘i’s ocean resources

Thousands of keiki in Hawai‘i’s rural areas will have easier access to healthy food this summer, thanks to the new “Kaukau 4 Keiki” program launched last month. The partnership of ...
Read More Kaukau 4 Keiki, World Oceans Day and ‘Ohana Readers

If you’re unemployed or looking for a more promising career, the new Hana Career Pathways is offering free training for in-demand jobs in Hawai‘i. The state’s Workforce Development Council partnered ...
Read More Hana Career Pathways offers free training for skilled jobs

X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is a rare genetic form of rickets that progressively impacts skeletal, muscular and dental health throughout a person’s life. Symptoms of XLH include bowed or bent legs, ...
Read More XLH AWARENESS DAY (June 23, 2021)

Pollinator species provide significant environmental benefits that are necessary for maintaining healthy biodiverse ecosystems.

Elder abuse includes neglect, physical harm, psychological and sexual abuse, and financial exploitation. Hawaiʻi’s kūpuna should be treated with respect and dignity, allowing them to engage in healthy and safe ...

Hawaiʻi’s Medical Cannabis Program has enabled tens of thousands of patients with debilitating medical conditions to benefit from the personal medical use of cannabis under medical supervision for the past ...
Read More MEDICAL CANNABIS DAY (June 14, 2021)