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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive, fatal disease that attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, making even the simplest movements, ...
Read More ALS AWARENESS MONTH (May 2021)

Tardive Dyskinesia is a condition that may occur with long-term use of dopamine receptor blocking agents, which are prescribed to treat schizophrenia and other mental health disorders, depression, nausea or gastrointestinal ...

Our nation designates each May as Military Appreciation Month to publicly demonstrate our appreciation for the sacrifices and achievements of our service members.


Posted on May 1, 2021 in Main, Proclamations

There are over 4 million nurses in the United States, of which more than 2,000 licensed practical nurses, 27,700 registered nurses, and 1,800 nurse practitioners are in Hawai’i. Let’s honor ...
Read More NURSES MONTH (May 2021)

Water safety is essential for swimming and aquatic-related activities. Communicating, teaching, learning and practicing water safety can help prevent accidental drownings and recreational water-related injuries.

In this pandemic, every milestone counts. For Hawai‘i, the good news is that we’ve opened vaccinations to anyone age 16 and up, we’re making it easier for fully vaccinated residents ...
Read More Milestones for vaccines, intercounty travel and climate change

A new Vaccination Travel Protocol Program will launch Tuesday, May 11 to allow fully vaccinated individuals who received their shots in Hawai‘i to fly between the islands without pre-travel testing ...
Read More New intercounty exception for fully vaccinated residents

In a series of high-profile U.S. Climate Action Week events viewed around the world last month, Governor Ige highlighted Hawai‘i’s leading role in addressing global warming and transition to renewable ...
Read More Hawai‘i among global leaders in fighting climate change

More funds for affordable rental housing . . . modernization of the unemployment insurance system . . . major renovations for schools and UH system campuses . . . upgrades ...
Read More Governor releases 3 million for CIP across the state

Rebuild. Redefine. Reset. Spend some time with John De Fries, new Hawai‘i Tourism Authority CEO, and it’s clear those are more than just words to him. “They reflect the shift ...
Read More HTA, communities work to redefine Hawai‘i 2.0 tourism