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Travel Information

Posted on Oct 13, 2020 in Main

A new COVID-19 leadership team for better response and community input. New programs to help people pay their rent and survive unemployment. More effective ways to monitor the virus — ...
Read More From the governor: Hawai‘i’s Pandemic Action Plan

HONOLULU – As a mark of respect for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Gov. David Ige has ordered that the flags of the United States and State ...
Read More OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR — FLAG ORDER — Governor Ige orders flags at half-staff to honor the life of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) advises the public of the closure of the westbound lanes of Nimitz Highway between Puuloa Road and Catlin Drive between 7 a.m. ...
Read More DOT News Release: Closure for filming on westbound Nimitz Highway between Puuloa Road and Catlin Drive, Friday, Sept. 18

Act 15, HB1678 HD1 SD1, 9/10/2020

Posted on Sep 16, 2020 in 2020 Acts, Main

RELATING TO MUSICAL PERFORMANCES. Prohibits a person from advertising or conducting a live musical performance or production through the use of a deceptive affiliation under certain conditions. Enables action against ...
Read More Act 15, HB1678 HD1 SD1, 9/10/2020

Department of Health: COVID-19 Activity Appears to be Stabilizing on O‘ahu While there are indications that infections in Honolulu are beginning to stabilize and even decrease slightly, health officials are ...
Read More Hawaii COVID-19 Joint Information Center Daily News Digest, August 26, 2020