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It’s easy to talk about governing; it’s much harder to “walk the talk” and make the tough decisions on the community’s most pressing issues— whether it’s in education, the economy ...
Read More From the governor: Moving the state forward together

In a long-awaited decision, the Hawai‘i Supreme Court has affirmed the state Board of Land and Natural Resources’ decision to issue a construction permit for the $1.4 billion Thirty Meter ...
Read More Hawai’i Supreme Court upholds permit to build TMT

Protection of Central O‘ahu’s vital water resources. New outdoor recreation opportunities. Improved habitats for native species, many o them endangered. Those are some of the benefits of a $15.2 million ...
Read More State acts to protect critical watershed and recreation lands

To advance a cause he described as “near and dear to his heart,” Governor Ige signed a bill to increase computer science education and teacher training in the schools, HB ...
Read More Advancing computer science for DOE students statewide

She’s been on the job for a little over a year, but DOE Superintendent Christina Kishimoto has already faced some tough issues — from the recent debate over a constitutional ...
Read More Fighting for better schools and more teacher pay

If you want to find hope for our state’s future, try spending some time with the 2019 District Teachers of the Year. They were honored Oct. 26 at Washington Place ...
Read More Teachers from across the state honored for their dedication

From a nationwide first-place ranking in innovation to nurturing the next generation of coders, Hawai‘i is gaining recognition through the state’s Office of Enterprise Technology Services (ETS). The office is ...
Read More Building a future in technology for the next generation

They’re young, bright, tech savvy and the state’s hope for the future in a digital age.  That’s the next generation of coders who turned out for the 2018 Hawai‘i Annual ...
Read More 2018 HACC winners focus on sustainability goals

Much-needed housing for working families and seniors. Long-delayed projects finally underway to help communities. Improved facilities and rehabilitation programs to help people turn their lives around. Governor Ige and his ...
Read More From the governor: Tackling tough issues, opportunities for housing, OCCC

To meet growing local demand and Governor Ige’s goals to help local residents, more affordable housing is coming online each month for working families and seniors in Hawai‘i. Recent projects ...
Read More More affordable housing breaks ground statewide