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Bill signings may look like just ceremonial photo ops, but they represent the culmination of a long legislative process to provide meaningful change for the community. Governor Ige reviewed 228 ...
Read More Bill signing: New laws from the hard work of many

FEMA individual aid approved

Posted on Jul 25, 2018 in Featured, Main

Persistence and determination at every level — from emergency response teams who went door-to-door to government officials who wouldn’t give up — paid off in getting federal aid to Kaua‘i ...
Read More FEMA individual aid approved

“Farm to table” sounds fresh and appealing — like going to your nearest farmer’s market — but how many of us really know the hard work it takes to grow ...
Read More Finding the game-changers for local food production

The Ige administration is ramping up the state’s efforts to provide more housing for low-and moderate-income families. “Our goal is to create as many affordable units as possible — especially ...
Read More Governor acts to preserve, create more affordable housing

‘Aina Pono wins high marks

Posted on Jul 25, 2018 in Featured, Main

  The ‘Aina Pono Hawai‘i State Farm to School program has earned five-stars from some of its toughest customers: the students. “Who wouldn’t want fresh, locally grown fruits, vegetables and ...
Read More ‘Aina Pono wins high marks

For Danielle Bass, the state’s new sustainability coordinator, less can definitely mean more if it helps save the planet — and taxpayer dollars. Less waste. More awareness. More coordination and ...
Read More The economics of sustainability: Saving taxpayer dollars — and the planet

HONOLULU —   The DLNR Division of State Parks will close the Pu‘u ‘Ualaka‘a  (Tantalus) state wayside all day on Thursday, July 19 while a tree contractor will be working on ...

State & City-County Jet Skis Bring Hundreds to Shore (Honolulu) – Compared to the past two Independence Day flotillas off Waikiki, this year’s was tame. Officers from the DLNR Division ...
Read More Waikiki Flotialla Revelers Stay Safe Thanks to Public Safety Emphasis

Strong, steady and strategic. Whether it’s helping disaster victims recover or improving the lives of working families, Governor Ige has committed to delivering on the state’s most pressing challenges. This ...
Read More From the governor: Keeping promises and moving forward

A home you can afford. A Hawai‘i that’s healthy and safe. A good education and jobs that pay a living wage. Those are some of the goals Governor Ige committed ...
Read More Governor enacts new laws to help working families