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It is one thing to say our children matter; it is quite another to do something about it. We have invested more widely in classrooms than in previous years. We ...
Read More We have put our values and beliefs into action

For those who want to live in Hawai‘i, probably no issue is more challenging than finding a decent, affordable place to live. And probably no issue challenges us as a ...
Read More When we say ‘ohana, we truly mean nobody gets left behind

Dreaming big with homegrown talent

Posted on Jan 31, 2018 in Featured, Main

Hawai‘i has so much potential in this new globally connected world. We are already viewed as the ideal testing ground for innovative, globally significant technologies such as telemedicine, smart cities, ...
Read More Dreaming big with homegrown talent

Even though tourism is up and unemployment is low, many of our residents are living paycheck to paycheck, one health emergency or car repair away from a crisis. Some people ...
Read More Jobs that pay well and commutes that work

I am proud that together we were able to pass Kūpuna Caregiver legislation that provides assistance for full-time family caregivers who also have full-time jobs. This is a win for ...
Read More Taking care of our kūpuna — and our obligations

To date, we have protected over 40,000 acres of watershed forests on Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi and Hawaiʻi islands. We helped preserve and protect Turtle Bay lands from development. A joint ...
Read More Protecting our ‘āina and our ocean for our quality of life

We have laid important groundwork for an exciting future. Imagine a future economy for Hawai‘i that isn’t reliant solely on tourism and the military. Imagine a future where local entrepreneurs ...
Read More Hawai’i can lead the way to an innovation economy

Capitol Connection 2017

Posted on Jan 26, 2018 in Main

December 2017 Challenges, progress, the year ahead November 2017 Keeping Hawai‘i moving on all fronts October 2017 Making life better for Hawai‘i’s families September 2017 Delivering on promises for the ...
Read More Capitol Connection 2017

Governor David Y. Ige’s 2018 State of the State Address “Building A Hawaiʻi for Our Children” January 22, 2018 Speaker Saiki, President Kouchi, former governors, distinguished justices of the courts, ...
Read More 2018 State of the State Address

For Immediate Release: January 17, 2018 HTA Release (18-08) HTA Encourages Fan Support to Make Pacific Rim Cup an Annual Soccer Showcase HONOLULU – The Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) is ...
Read More HTA Encourages Fan Support to Make Pacific Rim Cup an Annual Soccer Showcase