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Hawai’i’s clean energy future

Posted on Jun 30, 2016 in Main

Electricity. We take it for granted until the power goes out. But Governor Ige and others have a bigger vision: They say living in an island community means Hawai‘i can ...
Read More Hawai’i’s clean energy future

A mile-long lei for Orlando

Posted on Jun 30, 2016 in Main

    Governor Ige joined hundreds of volunteers on Maui last month to weave a mile-long “Lei of Aloha for Orlando” after the deadly June 12 shooting at Pulse nightclub ...
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New state trails website debuts

Posted on Jun 30, 2016 in Main

  Hikers can now find valuable information about sanctioned trails in Hawai‘i, thanks to a revamped mobile, user-friendly website at Managed by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, ...
Read More New state trails website debuts

At press time, Governor Ige had signed more than 120 bills into law from the 2016 Legislature, with a final approval or veto deadline of July 12. The bills ranged ...
Read More Governor signs bills for job support, health care and more

In 2015, Governor Ige signed into law what has been called the nation’s most aggressive clean energy goal: to generate 100 percent of electricity sales from renewable resources by 2045. ...
Read More From the Governor: Leading the way in clean energy

HONOLULU –  Gov. David Ige notified legislative leaders and key lawmakers that nine bills are on the Intent to Veto list. The Hawai‘i State Constitution requires the governor to give ...
Read More GOVERNOR’S OFFICE NEWS RELEASE: Governor Ige releases Intent to Veto List

State-Navy MOU

Posted on Jun 21, 2016 in Main

American Eagle Day

Posted on Jun 20, 2016 in Main


Posted on Jun 14, 2016 in Main

MINUTES June 11, 2016 minutes MATERIALS It Pays to Improve School Quality-US Report by Eric Hanushek April 2016  Hawaii-Economic Future With Education Reform by Eric Hanushek in Educ Next Summer ...