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‘Every penny’ of COVID-19 relief funds to be used

Posted on Oct 28, 2020 in Capitol Connection, Featured
Awards by category of Coronavirus Relief Fund monies.

Awards by category of Coronavirus Relief Fund monies.

Gov. David Ige has announced that 98 percent of the $863 million of the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) or CARES Act monies received by the state in April has been set aside to assist with COVID-19 response and recovery efforts.  He added that all remaining CRF funds have been designated and will be used to support the three priority areas of the Hawaiʻi Pandemic Action Plan, which aims to protect public health, revive the economy, and strengthen our community. The CRF has already helped to support: $100 million for rent and mortgage relief, $14 million to bring in nurses and healthcare workers from the mainland to support our local healthcare industry, $10 million for job re-training programs, $31 million for devices and connectivity to support schools and $61 million for PPE and supplies for schools, hospitals and businesses. More details are at the Hawai‘i Data Collaborative website at

“The state will not leave any of the federal funding unused as we provide a crucial lifeline to our residents and businesses. We are going to use every penny,” said Governor Ige. Any funds unspent at year’s end will be placed in the state’s unemployment insurance trust fund to help repay a $1 billion loan that was secured to pay unemployment benefits to local residents.

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