Eviction Moratorium Resources
Posted on Jul 15, 2021 in FeaturedRESOURCES FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE:
- oneoahu.org/renthelp.
- The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program is accepting applications for help with electricity bills through June 30: https://www.hcapweb.org/low-income-home-energy-assistance-program-liheap/
- The Hale Kākou Utility Assistance Program can help qualified households with their electricity, water and sewer, and gas bills: (https://www.hcapweb.org/hale-kakou/)
Hawai‘i County: www.HawaiiCountyERAP.org
Kauaʻi County: https://kauairenthelp.com/
Maui County: https://www.mauicounty.gov/2438/Maui-County-Emergency-Rental-Assistance-
- DHHL Emergency Rental Assistance Program: hawaiiancouncil.org/dhhl. Must be Native Hawaiian.
- The Emergency Broadband Benefit can help eligible households with internet bills and in some cases, buy laptops, desktops, and tablet computers: https://www.fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit
- Landlord Tenant Information Center: (808)586-2634 or https://cca.hawaii.gov/ocp/landlord_tenant/
Mediation Services:
Oʻahu: Mediation Center of the Pacific at https://www.mediatehawaii.org/
East Hawai‘i: Ku‘ikahi Mediation Center at https://hawaiimediation.org/
West Hawai‘i: West Hawai‘i Mediation Center at https://whmediation.org/our-services/landlord-tenant
Maui County: Maui Mediation Services at https://www.mauimediation.org/landlordtenant/
Kauaʻi County: Kauai Economic Opportunity, Inc. Mediation Program at (808) 245-4077 x229 or x237 or mediation@keoinc.org
For More Information:
Legal Aid Society of Hawaii: https://www.legalaidhawaii.org/i-cant-pay-my-rent-mortgage.html
Mediation Center of the Pacific: https://www.mediatehawaii.org/landlordtenant