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Hawai’i’s Little League World Champions return home to cheering crowds

Posted on Aug 29, 2018 in Capitol Connection, Featured
A happy homecoming for Little League World Series Champions

A happy homecoming for Little League World Series Champions

Honolulu Little League manager Gerald Oda with the governor

Honolulu Little League manager Gerald Oda with the governor








After days of Hurricane Lane anxiety, Hawai‘i was more than ready to celebrate and welcome home the Honolulu team that won the Little League World Series Championship on Sunday. And what a welcome it was: cheering crowds, glowing praise from Governor David Ige and Mayor Kirk Caldwell, and stirring music from the Royal Hawaiian Band.

It seemed all of Hawai‘i took the team, coaching staff and families into their hearts as the boys showed their character and humility as well as their skills on the field. In congratulating the team, the governor said, “It’s not only that you’re the best in the world, but it’s how you did it your commitment to the team and helping each other be successful. I want to congratulate the players, manager Gerald Oda and his staff, and the parents and supporters because I do know it takes a village to be a world champion. You represented the state of Hawai‘i in everything you did with class and determination and, most importantly, with outstanding success.”

Sean Yamaguchi ready to give the governor his autograph

Sean Yamaguchi ready to give the governor his autograph

Gov with winning pitcher Ka'olu Holt

Gov with winning pitcher Ka’olu Holt

Read more in September Capitol Connection newsletter