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More options available for DHHL beneficiaries

Posted on Sep 12, 2019 in Capitol Connection, Featured


Lana'i beneficiaries look over some of the most recent DHHL lot choices.

Lana’i beneficiaries look over some of the most recent DHHL lot choices.

From turn-key homes to vacant lots for maximum flexibility, the state’s Department of Hawaiian Home Lands is ramping up its offerings to beneficiaries. Among them were 16 lots on Lānaʻi and 15 lots within the Kakaina subdivision in Waimānalo. “Waimānalo is a place where there is great beneficiary demand in relation to how much land we have in the area,” said DHHL chair William Ailā, Jr. “We’re in the process of acquiring an additional 80-acre parcel of land for a future combination of residential and possibly subsistence agriculture lots.”

Lānaʻi recipients said their lots were especially significant to residents. “To be given an opportunity to have homelands on an island that is 90 percent owned by a corporation — that is very important,” said Solomon Kaho‘ohalahala, who was offered a lot. “More importantly, we are fulfilling a commitment to the kupuna, that their children and their grandchildren and their mo‘opuna yet unborn will be recipients of this kind of program.” DHHL has a total of 50 acres of land on Lānaʻi. In addition to the 16 lots already offered, the department plans to develop an additional 79 lots on the island.

The Johnson 'ohana celebrate their new home with director Ailā.

The Johnson ‘ohana celebrate their new home with director Ailā.

Also, 37 turn-key homes will be built in Kanehili subdivision in Kapolei — the result of beneficiary interest in ready-to-live homes. These lots are among 395 DHHL is awarding statewide for 2019. DHHL has over 1,300 lots in its production pipeline, which are expected to be completed over the next five years.

In addition, DHHL partnered with the Honolulu Habitat for Humanity to help the Johnson ‘ohana build a new six-bedroom, three-bath home in Waimānalo. More than 500 local volunteers helped with the project. “This is the biggest home we’ve ever built, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated people who were a part of it,” said Habitat executive director Jim Murphy. The house was funded through a zero-interest loan made possible by the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act, administered by DHHL. “The mana that has been placed into this home from every nail pounded will provide the Johnson family strength moving forward. Love and aloha are what will make this house a home,” said DHHL director Ailā.

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