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New ‘Buy Hawaii, Give Aloha site

Posted on Aug 27, 2020 in Capitol Connection, Featured
The community can support local businesses by visiting the new “Buy Hawai‘i, Give Aloha” site.

The community can support local businesses by visiting the new “Buy Hawai‘i, Give Aloha” site.

A new online marketplace for local products is just a click away with the launch of a new website from the state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. The “Buy Hawai‘i, Give Aloha” site was created for businesses that have at least 75 percent of their products made in Hawai‘i.“Retail really has been hit hard,” said Lyle Fujikawa, DBEDT economic development specialist. “This is one means for a company to get started in recovery.” The easy-to-navigate site enables shoppers to browse a wide array of locally made apparel, farm products, food items, household goods, restaurants, and more. As the site says, “Show your aloha for Hawai‘i-brands and products. When you buy from Hawai‘i companies, your money stays here at home, creating jobs and strengthening our economy.”

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