New Wi-Fi hotspots available
Posted on Aug 29, 2018 in Capitol Connection, Featured(from left) Gregg Fujimoto, president of OTWC/Spectrum; Sen. J. Kalani English; Rep. Lynn DeCoite; and DCCA Director Catherine P. Awakuni Colon on the Kalaupapa Peninsula.
New Wi-Fi hotspots — from Moloka‘i’s remote Kalaupapa area to bus stops and community gathering places — are now available on Kaua‘i, Maui, Moloka‘i and O‘ahu, with Hawai‘i island locations planned for implementation.
The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) has announced the first wave of free public Wi-Fi hotspots will offer one hour of free service per device per day. The project is part of a DCCA requirement of Spectrum/Oceanic Time Warner Cable to provide 100 new public Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the state in parks, community centers and other public open areas. For the hotspot locations, go to