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Update on state’s vaccination plans

Posted on Dec 29, 2020 in Capitol Connection, Featured
The rollout of the state’s COVID-19 vaccination plan will continue through 2021.

The rollout of the state’s COVID-19 vaccination plan will continue through 2021.

What may be the largest immunization campaign in the history of the state is being rolled out by the state Department of Health, in partnership with the Healthcare Association of Hawai‘i, healthcare facilities and other providers. The first doses in Phase 1a are designated for healthcare workers involved in direct patient care and residents and staff in long-term care facilities. Phases 1b and 1c include first responders and essential workers, adults with high-risk medical conditions and adults 65 and older.

Dr. Lester Morehead, a hospitalist in The Queen’s Medical Center’s COVID-19 unit, received the first COVID-19 vaccination in the state from APRN Ruby Takahashi.

Dr. Lester Morehead, a hospitalist in The Queen’s Medical Center’s COVID-19 unit, received the first COVID-19 vaccination in the state from APRN Ruby Takahashi. Credit: The Queen’s Health Systems

Upon approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the state expects to receive thousands of doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Both vaccines require a two-dose regimen. “This marks the beginning of our path to recovery,” said Governor Ige. “I’m confident in the Department of Health’s ability to distribute the vaccines across Hawai‘i, and I trust the science. But even as more people get vaccinated, we need to maintain our vigilance and continue the safe practices that have made Hawaii a world leader in containing the spread of COVID-19.” For current information on vaccination progress, go to

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