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Who owns this land? New DLNR website has some answers

Posted on Sep 26, 2018 in Featured
A satellite image with information available on DLNR's new Public Land Trust Information System (PLTIS).

A satellite image with information available on DLNR’s new Public Land Trust Information System (PLTIS).

A new tool available for the first time to anyone who wants to know about state- and county-owned lands in Hawai‘i was launched recently by the state Department of Land and Natural Resources. Called the Public Land Trust Information System (PLTIS), the centralized, web-based inventory can be found at

DLNR director Suzanne Case said the governor directed her department to develop PLTIS as part of the Ige administration’s commitment to more open government. “Combining all of this disparate data into one easily accessible database was a monumental undertaking,” she said. “I’m thrilled this is now available to everyone, and my thanks to the DLNR Land Division for all the hard work that made it happen.”


A satellite image with information available on DLNR's new Public Land Trust Information System (PLTIS).

A satellite image with information available on DLNR’s new Public Land Trust Information System (PLTIS).

Governor Ige added, “I’ve urged our state departments to use digital tools like these to improve transparency and accountability in government. Now Hawai‘i residents will be better informed about the land they live on and bring citizen involvement into the 21st century.”

Read more in October’s Capitol Connection newsletter