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2015 Holiday message from Governor David Ige

Posted on Dec 24, 2015 in Main

The holiday season is a time to pause and give thanks to our families and loved ones. Now and throughout the year many have worked tirelessly to help each other in our community. It is my hope that we continue to act with this spirit. We can all do our part – do a good deed, help a neighbor, bridge our differences and reconnect with the values that make our state great.

At the same time, when many of us are gathering with family, let us remember those who are serving our country in faraway places and their families here at home. Let us honor those who have sacrificed for our country – troops, veterans and their families.

We spent the past year laying the foundation for a better Hawaii. There is much work to be done and we need your support to move forward. We wish you a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year.