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Celebrating the contributions of women worldwide

Posted on Mar 30, 2021 in Capitol Connection, Featured, Main

First Lady's Corner

“We do not need magic to transform our world; we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.”  — J.K. Rowling

Every year when the world celebrates International Women’s Day in March, we’re reminded of courageous women — past and present — who have made a difference in the world. From Hawai‘i’s own Queen Lili‘uokalani and other historic figures to pandemic caregivers and strong members of our own ‘ohana, the message to the next generation of girls is clear: Persist. Don’t give up your dreams.

First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige co-hosted a March 8 webinar with Australian Consul-General to Honolulu Jane Hardy, honoring women frontline medical workers and health care leaders who have helped the state through the pandemic, including State Health Director Dr. Libby Char, deputy director Cathy Ross, and Queen’s CEO Dr. Jill Hoggard Green. As for her own family, Mrs. Ige said she and the governor treated their children — two daughters and a son — the same way, focusing on their interests and strengths. “Both our daughters are very independent and determined so gender was never a barrier growing up,” she said. (Amy is a registered nurse and Lauren is an attorney.) “There are many women before them who have helped pave the way for the next generation.”

Mrs. Ige’s book choice for her ʻŌlelo series features 13 women across the globe who changed history.

Mrs. Ige’s book choice for her ʻŌlelo series features 13 women across the globe who changed history.

Mrs. Ige’s current book choice for “Conversations with the First Lady” on ʻŌlelo Channel 53 is “She Persisted Around the World” by Chelsea Clinton with illustrations by Alexandra Boiger. “It reflects the power we can all have to fulfill our dreams,” said Mrs. Ige. “None of the women in the book had an easy journey. Yet they persisted because they stayed focused on their goals. When I speak to students, I urge them to find their passion because that will carry them through the difficult times.” The March show will air again on April 4, 11 and 18 at 5:30 p.m. As for her own careers in public relations and education, she said, “I had some wonderful women mentors who paved the path for me. My advice to young girls is to let your support system help you to find the power within yourself. Whatever you choose to do will be of value to yourself and our community.”



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