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Delivering digital access and advancing equity statewide

Posted on Jul 25, 2022 in Capitol Connection, Featured, Main

Governor Ige signed into law June 30 a package of bills that advance his efforts to improve digital access for all communities across the state. “We are committed to addressing the digital divide for all Hawai‘i residents, and these bills will bring us another step closer towards an inclusive digital community, where all ‘ohana, keiki and kūpuna have the tools needed to thrive in today’s digital world,” said Governor David Ige. “I am proud that Hawaiʻi continues to lead the charge in digital equity.” The bills include:

The Kuauli team prepares computers for Hilo distribution.

SB 2076 requires UH and the Hawai‘i Broadband and Digital Equity Office to convene a Broadband Working Group to determine the governance structure for operating and maintaining broadband assets.

SB 2214 establishes a digital literacy program to be overseen by the Board of Education and implemented by the state librarian to promote digital literacy, including making digital technology accessible to those with disabilities.

SB 2184 establishes a Digital Learning Center within the Department of Education, with funds to staff it.                                            

SB 2479 requires each public housing and state low-income housing project built or reconstructed after Jan. 1, 2023 to include all broadband infrastructure necessary for tenants to have access to broadband service.


Read more in the August Capitol Connection newsletter.

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