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Earth Day and Volunteer Week Hawai‘i 2022

Posted on Mar 29, 2022 in Capitol Connection, Featured, Main
Volunteers are needed to help with projects and Earth Day events April 17-23.

Volunteers are needed to help with projects and Earth Day events April 17-23. (Photo: Kanu Hawai‘i)

The largest volunteer-focused campaign in the state – also marking Earth Day April 22 — gets under way this month with Kanu Hawai‘i, multiple community partners and thousands of volunteers. The annual event is an opportunity to encourage people to engage with their communities and recognize volunteers for their year-round contributions.

During April 17-23, residents, visitors, non-profits, businesses, schools and government agencies will join forces across the state to help the environment and invest in their communities for a more sustainable future. The collective effort and volunteer hours will be captured through the Aloha+Challenge, Hawai‘i’s local framework to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. To learn more about making “A Pledge to Our Keiki” and volunteer opportunities, go to

Read more in the April Capitol Connection newsletter.

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